[Personal remark moderated] This plugin have 900+ Active installs with 2.5K+ Downloads. [Personal remark moderated] , that you are saying “possible malware infection or other security issues”, do you know there is complete review system on WordPres.org that they approve plugin on some criteria.
[Personal remark moderated], have you checked previous support tickets of this plugin, that i reply with in 24 hours ? We have dedicated support system at : https://photontechs.com/support/
[Personal remark moderated] , that the way you are saying “I have been noticing afterwards that you seem to delete negative reviews.” HOLD ON MAN! We plugin authors can’t delete reviews.
If you are saying this plugin isn’t working, have you checked the demo link ? How it works here and how it works in 900+ websites ?
Have you ever listened, the term plugin conflict ? in this case you have to create support ticket. All the plugins on www.remarpro.com are free, plugin authors are not responsible to provide premium support and replies your ticket every time. Only they can improve there plugin when they got some time.
Only the word that suites you is “SHAME ON YOU !”