• wgmeisheid


    Is is acceptable to go directly from 1.2.2 to 2.X (current). Are there issues I need to be concerned about?

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  • davidchait


    I’ve done it on test sites. In theory, the upgrade steps will be done in order all the way through, assuming they continue to properly keep them intact. ??

    I previously read a lot of people doing ‘staged’ upgrades, like 1.0-1.2-1.5-2.0-2.x… which seems nutty if the code knows the changes to the DB schema.




    Nutty indeed. But recall some concerns about the upgrade scripts when 2.0.1 or 2.0.2 came out, so did tend to advise going 1.2.x to 1.5, then 1.5 to 2.x.

    Being the overly cautious old man that I am, I’d probably still advise that. What’s an extra 3 minutes?



    Exactly. Or, well, “overly cautious old woman” as it were….



    Well, like davidchait said above there, follow this guide first, 1.2 => 1.5 Then, this guide from 1.5 => 2.0.

    As long as you get to 2.0, you should be fine to go from 2.0 => 2.0.5.. ? ?? Or, just seen these upgrade instructions too.. so, either way.. I guess lol.




    Okay, I’ll ask: what happens if you go directly from 1.2.2 to 2.x?



    First you have to sign a waiver stating, “In spite of all I just read, I’ve opted to go my own way.” ??

    Seriously? I have no idea. If you’ve got all your stuff backed up safely, have a try and let us know.



    LOL! Darn, I was hoping for an “a direct upgrade will work just fine” or an “it absolutely won’t work at all”.

    I assume that there was a *reason* why the “staged” upgrades were recommended in the first place; I’m just not sure what it was.

    As we run our own servers (well, VPSes) and backups are easy to do, I may try it on one of our un-upgraded blogs.


    I’ve just upgraded two 1.2.2 blogs to 2.0.5, and there is no necessity (apparently anymore) to do the intermediate upgrades.

    First, I tried doing the 1.2.2 => 1.5 => 2.0 => 2.0.5 upgrade on the first blog; it worked fine for a while, and then the DB started having issues and pretty quickly had to be replaced. Finally, I just went from 1.2.2 directly to 2.0.5, and it went fine (approximately 3-10 seconds to upgrade, given that you’ve already backed up your database and replaced the WP files as per the usual instructions). Then I noticed — hey, who reads?! — this on the 2.0.5 /wp-admin/upgrade.php page:

    This file upgrades you from any previous version of WordPress to the latest.

    So, there you have it. I’ve done this twice now, and it’s just fine.

    As to 2.0.5, it’s a dream, especially with being able to block open and insecure proxies (stops all kinds of nonsense spam) AND Akismet. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Good to know, DianeV. Could you mark this as Resolved, then? Thanks!

    DianeV wrote:

    First, I tried doing the 1.2.2 => 1.5 => 2.0 => 2.0.5 upgrade on the first blog; it worked fine for a while, and then the DB started having issues and pretty quickly had to be replaced.

    Even after all the good info DianeV, I still don’t know why an intermediate stop at 1.5 and 2.0 would be a problem. Yikes, tens of thousands would have done that exact process, just not on the same day ??

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