i have not solved the problem, only made “trading terminology” the parent of my second home button. So now i still have two home buttons, but one is just hidden.
I Would still really like to change the code to get rid of the default one that i can’t change currently, just for the future when i do an other website. Also because i want to get to the bottom of this properly!!
Here is the navigation php. i cannot find wp_list_pages in header or index php
<!–Page Navigation–>
if(is_array(get_option(‘ds_cat_exclude’))) $ds_cat_exclude = implode(‘,’, get_option(‘ds_cat_exclude’));
// if($ds_cat_exclude) $ds_cat_exclude = $ds_cat_exclude.’,’.get_option(‘ds_blog_cat’);
if(is_array(get_option(‘ds_exclude’))) $ds_exclude = implode(‘,’, get_option(‘ds_exclude’));
<?php if(get_option(‘ds_landing’) == ‘Categories’ || get_option(‘ds_landing’) == ‘Pages’) { ?>
<?php if (get_option(‘ds_home_link’)) $hidden = ‘ hidden’; ?>
<ul id=”menu”>
<li<?php if (is_home()) echo ‘ class=”current_page_item’.$hidden.'”‘; ?>>/”>Home
<?php echo $ds_cat_exclude; if(get_option(‘ds_landing’) == ‘Categories’) wp_list_categories(‘exclude=’.$ds_cat_exclude.’&orderby=name&show_count=0&title_li=’); else wp_list_pages(‘exclude=’.$ds_exclude.’&title_li=&sort_column=menu_order’); ?>
<?php if(get_option(‘ds_blog’) && !get_option(‘ds_blog_link’)) echo ‘