• Aloha,

    Chris Damitio here. My wordpress blog is now hosted at https://fuknus.chrisdamitio.com using Godaddy. I was using a host that went out of business previously.

    It took me a while to figure out how to switch it all to godaddy, but I finally got it all there. Installation issues were 1) correctly formatting the config file 2) editing the wp_settings file and 3) figuring out how to upload my mysql database to go daddy (the solution was to ditch the header from the mysql dump). Okay, I’m pretty sure I’ve got those all figured out.

    These issues still remain.

    1) My users have pointed out that wehn they try to post a comment, once they press post, it takes them to a blank screen and the comment doesn’t appear. I have checked this and found it to be the same as they describe.

    2) I would like to use tags with the post title format, but Go Daddy seems to only find the …?239 type of format.

    3)I have several bloggers that post to my blog. One them tells me that when he tries to post from the admin panel or from the marklet that his posts simply disappear into cyberspace.

    4) The bookmarklet function doesn’t work if I select any block of text. If I am simply blogging the address of a page it works fine, if I select any block of text, than it simply takes me to my homepage
    ( https://fuknus.chrisdamitio.com )
    This is a bummer as it makes blogging from other sites a real time consuming deal. I have reloaded, erased, resaved, and reloaded the bookmarklet.

    In an effort to solve these issues, I uploaded a fresh download of wordpress and reinstalled the upgrade, this didn’t solve any of the issues.

    On a much lessor note, when I look at themes and plugins, wordpress tells me that I don’t have the themes or plugins that are currently running. This doesn’t affect my use, but may give some of you that are more savvy a means of figuring out and telling me what is going on with my blog.

    [email protected]

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  • Okay, I’ve checked the comment thing myself, and you’re right, it’s not functioning.

    I also ran your site through the validator (well, tried to) and came up with an error that won’t even let the validator do it’s job:


    “Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because on line 660 it contained one or more bytes that I cannot interpret as utf-8 (in other words, the bytes found are not valid values in the specified Character Encoding). Please check both the content of the file and the character encoding indication.”

    I have some questions:

    1 – Are you hosted on a windows server, or a linux server? If it’s windows, you’ll need to change that under the “manage hosting accounts” tab by clicking on the domain name, and in the options that comes up on the right hand side, choose the opposite plan to the one you currently have. You want either “economy-php” or “deluxe-cgi-b”. This won’t hurt anything, but will make WP work.

    2 – can you try switching themes? there’s some critical error with the one you’re using on line 660-ish. please remember, the themes sometimes come in double folders. you need the folder that contains maybe an image folder and a bunch of php files to be in your themes folder under “wp-content/themes”

    I’m kind of convinced that it’s one of these two issues that’s causing all the problems… so report back here and let’s try to work this out. (I’ve been using godaddy for 10 years – they’re not as bad as some people around the forums like you to think… ?? )

    Thread Starter chrisdamitio


    Thanks. I think godaddy is probably okay. I switched to the php hosting and am now going to try putting up a new theme. I’ll let you know how it goes. Thank you.

    Thread Starter chrisdamitio


    I just put up a new theme…same issues, at least no changes I can find.

    Thread Starter chrisdamitio


    AAACKKK! I reinstalled and now it seems clear that the problem is in my database. It took me quite a while to figure out how to install that sucker and apparently I did it screwy.


    I went through some installation woes with godaddy before i realized that they will actually install it for you!

    If you go to your hosting control panel (i’m assuming you have Linux) there should be an icon called value applications (or something similar). it will take you to a new page where you see a list of apps. click install next to wordpress and give it a minute or two. voila. all the work is done for you.

    Hope this helps!

    dwklink – yes, that’s something godaddy just started about a week ago. however this issue isn’t with the wordpress install, but rather with the database install he did.

    chris – did you try using this tutorial for moving the site and restoring your database?


    I’ve used them many times and Podz is a super genius when it comes to stuff like this. His whole tutorial site is here: https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/

    one more thing, chris – stop re-installing! it very often causes more harm than good, especially if you’re not doing it properly. ??

    and there’s still that critical issue with that theme you’re using – if the validator can’t even do it’s job – it’s highly likely that’s where your problem with everything else is.

    Thread Starter chrisdamitio


    Have I fixed it? I hope so. Thanks.

    Chris, I’m afraid you haven’t – the validator is still unable to do it’s job, which means that there’s a critical error somewhere that’s blocking it. If the validator’s not able to do what it needs to (ie. read your site at all, and then analyze it for errors) that’s likely going to mean that you’re going to wind up with other problems.

    I strongly suggest changing the theme to something you haven’t modified yet… even the default theme, for testing purposes. at the very least, change it, and then re-check the validator. If it still can’t validate, then it’s something with your installation and/or database.


    I was with godaddy with my wordpredd blog and it was running really slow and i contacted their support they told nothing about the troubleshooting.So i don’t recomend godaddy for hosting any of the applications they are providing this was my real experience.I just moved to siteground and everything looks fine

    personally i wouldn’t recommend godaddy.


    david – sorry you had so many troubles… however i’ve been using godaddy for over 10 years, and have currently over 40 sites that i have built on godaddy servers… i don’t have any issues with speed or anything.

    let us remember, godaddy doesn’t support the software you put on their servers… most hosting companies don’t – they support their hosting services, and that’s it. and depending on the time of day, the other sites that are hosted on the same server yours is, and many other factors, you will inevitably run into times when your site responds more slowly than at other times… that has nothing to do with godaddy specifically either. you’ll get that anywhere – consider it a “traffic jam” so to speak. i’ve seen it on many of my clients’ sites – even those who are hosted elsewhere (not godaddy).

    godaddy is a great hosting company as hosting companies go – the majority of issues people have is the fact that they don’t understand enough of servers and hosting and the software they’re using – so the only thing i’d say is that while godaddy does things a little differently, and maybe are more properly suited to those with a little more experience in terms of those things, that doesn’t make them a bad hosting company. just a bad company for YOU.

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