GoDaddy warnings of 'cross scripting attacks'
We have our site and our zencart store set up on a GoDaddy account and as part of that, they provide free site scans. It’s important to our client that they have the GoDaddy verified Safe graphic up so their customers feel secure using the site and the online store.
But GoDaddy has lately been giving us ‘warnings’ through their scans that “Your Web server is vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks”. And it lists the zencart store directories as the place where they are finding the code.
Their instructions for resolving the issue are to ‘contact the vendor’ (in this case, I presume ZenCart would be the ‘vendor’) and have them make a patch that fixes the vulnerability. Changing the code in ZenCart is beyond my pervue as the site designer. Whom should I contact at Zencart to address this?
Here are the details of the warnings that GoDaddy shows through their site scan page:
Using the POST HTTP method, Site Scanner found that :
+ The following resources may be vulnerable to cross-site scripting (comprehensive test) :
+ The ‘initials’ parameter of the /185-2/order-ammo/ CGI :
/185-2/order-ammo/ [initials=%FF%FE%3C%73%63%72%69%70%74%3E%61%6C%65%72%
——– output ——–<input type="hidden" name="terms-and-conditions" value="true" /> <input type="hidden" name="tou_referrer" value="" /> Initials <input type="text" name="initials" size="4" value=" <script>al ert(203)</script>" /></p> <p class="submit"> <input id="agree" type="submit" value="I Agree" name="agree"/>
Other references : CWE:79, CWE:80, CWE:81, CWE:83, CWE:20, CWE:74, CWE:442, CWE:712, CWE:722, CWE:725, CWE:811, CWE:751, CWE:801, CWE:116, CWE:692, CWE:87, CWE:85, CWE:86, CWE:84It says we need to ‘contact the vendor’ and ask them to patch to resolve this. I’m presuming it’s WordPress that is ‘the vendor’ in this case since they do all the coding. We run the most current version of WordPress, so patching to the latest version is not the solution. Any advice/help is appreciated.
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