• amygutman


    So the GoDaddy site crawler informs me that I have malware and that the problematic link goes to a story in the website The Awl (a well-respected literary/cultural site). When I clicked on the Google info thingy that hte GoDaddy thingy (can you tell I am NOT TECHNICAL?) told me to, it said that there was no known suspicious activity on the site–which I already knew since my tech web person had checked out both my site and the Awl for that already.

    So! What do I do? GoDaddy has revoked my seal (whatever that means) and keeps sending me this endless stream of emails. I removed the link just to stop this, but I’m still getting the alerts and am told that my fix failed. What else can I do??? Very annoyed/frustrated here. . . .

    Thanks for any help you can give! (My site is PlanBNation.net)

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  • WPyogi


    Hi Amy –
    Securi says you’re clean too : https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/planbnation.net/

    Assume you’ve discussed it with them? Not sure what you can do if they’re being idiotic…

    Maybe find a new host??

    Thread Starter amygutman


    Thank you so much! I do not know what Securi is, but I am grateful to have this ammunition. The next time I talk to them, I am going to quote you verbatim (changing the pronouns of course — *I* am clean not you’re clean ?? )



    LOL – this is really rather ironic as I’m sure has not escaped you either. Sorry you’re having to deal with such garbage. I mean Securi isn’t proof positive (nothing is) but still…

    FWIW, these are a bunch of resources for hacked sites – you could see if there’s anything that might be useful:

    Additional Resources:

    EDIT – check out the Securi site – they are well regarded – in fact, you might see if you can email them and ask their advice (for sure, if you want to pay them, but you’ve already done that with your guy – presumably he’s competent, right?)

    Thread Starter amygutman


    Thanks again! Not sure what irony you’re referring to (though do tell! I love irony) but I have another one: The allegedly offending link is to a humor piece about yoga, and you are WPYogi!

    As for all those links, thanks, but, wow, a little overwhelming! Almost enough to make someone like me curl up under the covers and go back to writing with a quill pen.



    Ha Ha – that’s great! Irony being that GD had some servers hacked a few months ago (sounds like you escaped that one?) – lots of people here with exactly the same hack all on GD… And let’s just say that they were not especially helpful to some people… So maybe now they jacked up their “alert” system?!

    But really, the whole hacking (and spammer) thing is so aggravating – just think how much good could be done in this world by all that pointless effort that is instead just going to total waste (not to mention those of us who have to clean it up)…

    Under the covers sounds good to me too sometimes – ha ha!

    Thread Starter amygutman


    Ah! I think I missed that GoDaddy hacking incident–but it does explain why the guy I talked to on the phone was so touchy when I mentioned that I’d heard GoDaddy had security problems and started going on about how YOU CAN’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ IN THE PAPERS.

    Thread Starter amygutman


    Or maybe he didn’t say “papers”–that would be very 20th century–but you get the gist.



    LOL – I’m sure they ARE plenty touchy – ha ha ha. Good luck with it all.

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