• Hi Guys,

    I really hope someone from Godaddy can contact me if they read this.

    So here is my story.

    I am a 5yrs old Godaddy Customer. I do websites for a living. In Panama. Yes, central america.

    At the beggining of my carreer, i used to develop static flash based websites.. I loved godaddy prices, tech support was light, but acceptable, and i learned to feel comfortable around their website (purchasing domains, hosting plans , etc).

    As time passed i moved to wordpress.. Discover how wonderfull it was. And suddenly all my nightmares became a reality.

    For the last 6months i have had terrible speed problems. y wordpress sites, as SMALL as they are, can take up to 20sec. to load during daytime (that is EASTERN US TIME or GT -5). At night, sometimes, i get decent speeds. But as soon it is 6 am .. slow again. .. i am talking about over 30 sites, in the deluxe shared hosting plan.

    Sites with and without any plugins. Sites with WP-SUPER CACHE… Custom made designs in valid CSS + XHTML … sites that are made with amazing , super optimized themes as INFOCUS from themeforest.net….


    You dont have to be a genius to know that , most of their customers are from this hemisphere.. so traffic rises during day time, and since it is a shared hosting plan with , only G′d know how many other websites in the same domain, you can expect slower velocitys than night… But 20-25sec load time for a 120k site with NO plugins? ..

    My customers are calling me everyday and it IS a nightmare for me.

    It is because i am SO USED TO godaddys way of doing business that i am scared of moving away. but it is starting to be unbearable.

    I have done some research, now i am positive the slowness is due to having the MySQL db in an external server… somehow the traffic overload does affect the whole thing.. it is HORRIBLE..

    Please, if this doesnt get erased .. i hope someone WITH a lot of experience can point my toward a PROOVEN hosting provider that offers quality and FAST wordpress hosting.

    I really appreciate it ..

    If someone from godaddy read this .. feel free to contact me , because if this can be solved, it will be great, but beleive me .. as soon as i find out about a good and fast worpdress hosting (prooven with testimonials from web developers) I AM OUT OF THERE.. and i have a LOT of websites in GD.


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  • Thread Starter jgraphwebstudio


    Ok… heres the update:

    I changed yesterday one of my sites from Shared hosting to GD new Grid hosting…

    So far today performance has been increideble faster… i mean.. it is even weird for me , cause i am used to it being SOOO slow ..

    So.. i dont want to jinxs this.. i will keep monitoring and informing you guys about this Godaddy Grid Hosting + WordPress match.. if all keep working the way it is i will definetly migrate the rest of my SHARED hosting to it. and recommend to change the title of this node to



    Thrilled that you’re happy with grid hosting so far. That said, I currently have six WP sites hosted in shared environments and they are fast!

    Just saying, it’s not always the hosting company but site speed depends on many variables. 99% of blogs are on shared servers and your problem could potentially occur on any hosting company.

    I am glad I found this topic because I am in a similar boat. I am using GoDaddy’s Deluxe Grid Hosting. I have been a GoDaddy customer for 3-4 years and am very comfortable with their service which is why I have a hard time switching hosts despite my issues.

    I have several sites hosted in this one hosting account and am experiencing intermittent problems with load times. When I try to visit one of my sites, the status bar in my browser will say “waiting for https://www.joshstauffer.com&#8221; for about 10-20 seconds before the page even starts to load. And when one site is slow, all of the sites in my account are slow. One minute, the sites will load very, very fast and the next minute they all load slow. GoDaddy support suggested that I install WP Super Cache and/or optimize my database but I don’t think this is the issue. I have some WP installs with plugins and some without, some with 100+ visits and some with <10 visits per day, and my latest WP addition was setup a few weeks ago so DB optimization should not be an issue for that site.

    The things I like most about GoDaddy is the fact I can always get someone on the phone, the 30-day snapshot of hosted files, and sometimes they will prorate some services. BUT load time has been a real issue for me lately. Any other reputable hosts offer these features?

    I, too, feel the issue is with the MySQL being on an external server (not to mention the number of sites on each server). I just wish I could deliver some evidence. Intermittent problems really baffle me.

    I look forward to discovering a solution. And any GoDaddy reps please feel free to contact me!

    it is encouraging to me to know that you host with GoDaddy.


    You’re right, we do recommend WP Super Cache. Have you tried it?

    Disabling plugins and re-enabling them one by one can help determine if it’s a plugin causing the slowness.

    If you’ve tried this and you’re still having problems, let me know.


    It seems that you’ve completely missed my point. The problem still exists whether I have 10 plugins or zero. The problem even exists on a brand new install of WordPress with no plugins, only 4 posts, and using the default Twenty Ten theme.

    It is beginning to bother me that GoDaddy’s only solution is to install WP Super Cache. I believe the problem is much larger than installing this plugin. I will try to remain optimistic.

    I’m having the same issues with godaddy shared hosting deluxe plan. I tried all the tricks. I’m running 3 wordpress sites and all of them are extremely slow. I also run 2 mybboard forums and they are fast. I have switch to the grid and I’m having the same results. The problems with godaddy tech supports is inconsistency. I hear a different answer everytime. I will be moving to bluehost soon.

    I loaded your site and yes, the problem seems to be the same as mine. I hate to leave GoDaddy since I’ve been with them for several years but it makes it very difficult to work on my sites when I have to wait on them to load. I, too, was thinking BlueHost but I want to wait a tad longer to see if GoDaddy can come up with a fix besides: install WP Super Cache, optimize the database, and make sure your code is efficient.

    Sorry for the trouble. I have someone investigating your issue a little further. They will be in touch to help you get this resolved.

    We don’t want to see you go. If you feel comfortable, please post the domain name so I can check it out.



    I have finished migrating all my wordpress sites to BlueHost. HUGE difference on all aspects. First of all, I disable the wp-super cache and the site is still pretty damn fast. I have installed hyper cache and Gzip enable. Gzip is not possible on godaddy’s servers. I have never waited more than 2 minutes on the phone for tech support. Godaddy average 9 minutes and then you talk to someone who tries to convince you that it is your setup that is faulty. My sites were slow on the deluxe shared hosting and got worst on the Grid hosting. In fact, my other sites without wordpress got even slower on the grid.

    I take care of a friend’s site that is still on godaddy’s server. https://www.yachtcaptainblog.com. You can see how slow it is. He is on the deluxe shared hosting and will be moved over to blue by 9/20/2010 if I can get a break from work. His site has the wp-super cahe plugin. I called godaddy about his site and they agreed that there is a problem with the server because he is has an abusing neighbor. NOT MY PROBLEM. They still didn’t do much about it. The performance has improved a little since that call, but not much.

    Josh, do not hesitate, RUN to blue host.

    @godaddy (alicia)
    I’m sorry, but I got tired of the BS there. Your company is good for one thing, domains registrar. I can’t post the url publicly, it is a blog for my newborn.

    Funny story… I was literally chatting with BlueHost when GoDaddy called yesterday. I was ready to make my move to BlueHost but Clint from GoDaddy was very nice and sounded as though he located the problem. Clint said that some of the nameservers I was using had some problems in the past so he had me change my nameservers to newer ones and he refreshed the zone files. I will monitor my sites for a couple days to see if there’s improvement. I am glad that GoDaddy finally stepped up to the plate to investigate my issue but I am sorry I had to post here to get the support I needed.

    ce680pilot, if you can, contact me through my website and send me a link to one of your sites hosted with BlueHost.

    Gzip is not possible on godaddy’s servers

    Works great on my godaddy site. Simple line of code in php.ini

    People are already commenting about the speed. Day and night im told.

    Will do later today

    @voodoo: i know about php.ini but godaddy told me they dont allow it. Go figure. Oh well. Asta la vista baby ??


    yeah you can see godaddy with gzip here……

    @ Voodoo

    I believe you. I’m just saying that’s what they told me on the phone. That’s what I mean by inconsistency and incompetence IHMO

    Yeah, I just wanted the info out there for others…in case they are trying to do it

    I’d probably be switching too if I had issues like yours. Luckily, on godaddy unlimited, I have lucked out. Quick sites, no issues. I haven’t had to deal with C/S at all, since I’m stubborn and sort out my own issues….. luckily I haven’t had any issues where I’ve needed them

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