Cummon people, help the next poor sucker
by explaining how you fixed things.
Here is how you find the server name at godaddy:
1. log in to hosting account (different from domain name account)
2. open control panel (link to the right of your
domain name)
3. click on databases
4. you should see a MySQL database there, if you
don’t you need to create one for wordpress. Click on it.
5. click on the little pencil button near the right.
6. your server name is listed. Mine is You need all of it.
7. DO NOT click on “Open Manager” since the info
is not in there.
8. replace “localhost” with that server name
Now continue with wordpress directions. Why they don’t
put this info in the install instructions I don’t know.
I should add one more thing. When you create a database
at godaddy it is pretty much instant, but their lingo
is confusing. For the hosting account as a whole,
a status of “Setup” means your account is not ready yet. For example, if you switch from Windows to Linux it can take 3 days to get out of Setup to where you can use your account.
But in the case of databases, “Setup” means ready to use.
I think a word like “Ready” would be better.