• Help Trying to install wordpress for the first time and keep coming up with this error, ive check all the information several times and its all correct. ive deleated and recreated the config file, ive done everything i can think of but nothings working.

    Im using go daddys free hosting that came with my domain name purchase (since they wont let me use the automated service for some reason unbeknown to either me or there support staff)

    Error establishing a database connection

    This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at (server location). This could mean your host’s database server is down.

    * Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
    * Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
    * Are you sure that the database server is running?

    If you’re unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress Support Forums.

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  • Best bet is to get a Linux hosting account that is not free (you will have some issues with WordPress on those Free with Domain type accounts).

    With that said, please review Step 2 in Installing_WordPress. At Godaddy you create the database and the database name and database user are the same and you provide the password. Once the database is create you will be able to see the database server/host and that is your DB_HOST value.

    Please note that with Godaddy the host name is NOT localhost. Look at the database details to get the host addy.

    Thread Starter nomis78


    the hosting is on linux servers and is using php 5.x

    i have inputted to database name and the database host values i have also inputted the correct password and have changed local host to the required host name.

    i get through step 1 where i input all theses details into the pages provided, the page tells me that details are correct and i can no commence installation

    i click install and then get directed to the page showing the error notice i put into the first post.

    i have contacted go daddy and they have informed that there is nothing at fault with the database servers nor the host and that the issue is that of a scripting error and have effectively washed there hands on the matter.

    dreamhost has one click installation – unlike hostmonster, they upgraded wordpress the time when wordpress release new version. I recommend dreamhost especially for wordpress users and users who are not very familiar with database like me.

    Thread Starter nomis78


    Dawson im not looking for a new host, i have one, what i am looking for is a resolution to the problem i have

    nomis78 – if you have confirmed that the information in wp-config.php is correct and matches the database that you setup, AND you have contacted Godaddy support and they say it is a scripting error, then why not start over from Step 1 of Installing WordPress?

    This topic is tagged so maybe someone from godaddy will come along and offer some other solution.

    Oh, you might also rename wp-config.php to wp-config-hold.php, then visit yourdomain.com/install.php and let the install routine ask you for the database info and it will create a wp-config.php file for you.

    I do have to reiterate that WordPress may not work too well with a free hosting plan.

    Also Godaddy offers a WordPress install via the Hosting Connection so see if you can install that way.

    Thread Starter nomis78


    thanks MichaelH

    the install through hosting connection is not open to me thanks to go daddys policies, the account i hold is the same as there low level hosting accounts except with some things through hosting connection disabled.

    i shall try it again from step one however i would be gratefull if anyone else has any more input



    actually, I got same “script error” story from GoDaddy the other day also. My little site london2nice.com stopped working altogether on 27 Jan. I was away and noticed it and called them. Strange thing is that all the pieces are the same and you can find files…only the php is not running at all.

    I am running mysql 4.1.

    No real idea on why it just died, but maybe something related to php and database connection?

    To get the host name to use in wp_config for databases hosted with GoDaddy, just read this GoDaddy FAQ: https://help.godaddy.com/topic/67/article/39

    Once you set up your database, make a note of the host name, database user name, database name and password. Use these to complete the WordPress configuration.

    actually, I got same “script error” story from GoDaddy the other day also. My little site london2nice.com stopped working altogether on 27 Jan.


    Did you get this issue resolved? Let me know how I can help.

    For those still needing help with this I struggled for two days looking for a solution to the very issue described in this first post. It turned out I had to log into the Hosting Control Center. On the Home tab is the Account Summary and if you click on “View” next to “Primary Domain DNS” the field will expand and tell you that your site is available for preview. You have to make the site live. It takes about an hour for the site to go live. After it was live I opened an ftp connection using FileZilla and deleted the wp-config.php file leaving only the wp-config-sample.php file.
    Next I went to my domain (www.your domain.com) and it prompted me to create the wp-config.php file again. (I had done this before but it hadn’t worked)
    I input the database name, username, password, and host name I had been trying previously. (These are found through this path — Hosting Control Center/Databases/MySQL/Edit (the pencil graphic))
    I received an error message after clicking install, however when I went to log into my domain (www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) I was prompted for my username and password by WordPress and I was able to log into my site and begin working on it.
    I hope this helps!!

    My site has been hosted at godaddy.com and was just fine for a monrh until yesterday something went wrong. I could no longer access my site thru wp-login.php and when I tried to view it all I can see is a blank window. Is this a wordpress problem? I’ve already sent an e-mail with godady support but got no reply as of this time. Any idea please?

    My url is https://onlyinthephilippines-atibapa.com


    This could happen if you upgrade in Hosting Connection and you upgrade manually through WordPress as well. Our support can confirm this and provide you with a resolution. Support information can be found here: https://www.godaddy.com/community/community.aspx

    That’s the recommendation of the GD support staff and have done it already but my site sill could not be viewed. Besides, I have manually upgraded after this problem happened and not before, upgrading manually could not have been the cause of the problem

    zombiebaby, thank you! I have been searching for days on end to a solution to my problem. I truly appreciate your post.

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