With the back button code, which in my case is under the contact form of each advertisement, would it not be useful for the search engine? It is an idea, I speak from inexperience: __ D
add_action ("adverts_tpl_single_bottom", function () {
???? remove_action ("adverts_tpl_single_bottom", "adverts_single_contact_information_box", 2000);
???? add_action ("adverts_tpl_single_bottom", "my_adverts_single_contact_information_box", 2000);
}, 100);
function my_adverts_single_contact_information_box ($ post_id) {
???? ?>
<input type = "button" onclick = "history.back ()" name = "Go back" value = "Go back">
???? <? php
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
Yui. Reason: please use CODE button for proper formatting