Thanks for the info it helps. There are a few problems here:
First, page inspection inside chrome is disabled (sort of). I suspect your theme (or a plugin maybe?) is disabling the JavaScript for right mouse clicks. I can get around it easily but it’s a pain to navigate around your site.
Some very strange things are happening with the plugin on your site. For one example, every row in the Time/Result column has two rows. All but the Texas game have some strange numbers that look like scores. The Texas game has the text “Texas”. I looked at the plugin’s source code and I can’t see how/where plugin adds this. (Actually, I know exactly where the game results come from and no such line with a break is generated.) It could be done by the theme. (Stranger things have been done by themes.)
So I suggest that you start by switching your site to a different theme, say WordPress Twenty Eleven. (I know, it’s really old but there are reasons I suggest it.) Does anything change relative to the above issues? (The plugin’s displays may not look perfect, but there’s no need to clean that up.)
Next some things may be a bit wonky with your data and your approach to the data and displays. IDK, but let’s start with the following. It looks like you are creating a schedule for the Big 12, then displaying a schedule for the BYU team? You created a BYU LEAGUE and are displaying the games for the LEAGUE not the TEAM. (??) I suggest you create a Big-12 LEAGUE, add the games to that LEAGUE, then display the TEAM schedule for BYU (or any other team) using the mstw_team_schedule shortcode. That works pretty well, check it out at And it will really provide you with a lot more flexibility.
As far as the links you describe, I have no idea. For example, if you change to it works fine, and that’s what the source code creates.
Have you looked at the documentation library located here ? It’s not 100% but it’s got a lot of good information. There are also many video tutorials on the League Manager plugin, which are available to Gold Support members. (Truthfully, the tutorials probably cover more advanced topics than you need to resolve you current issues.
Let me know. I’ll help how I can.