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  • Hi Ferran,

    Which version of Events Manager and WordPress are you using?

    Have you tried testing with the default WordPress theme?

    Thread Starter Kaisenwebs



    I have EM 5.6.1 and WP 4.3.1.

    I’ve tried testing with a free WP Theme, but then all shortcodes fail.

    What’s your suggestion ?

    Which theme did you test with? For an accurate test it needs to be one of the default WordPress themes, TwentyFifteen, for example.

    Thread Starter Kaisenwebs


    Now I’ve tested with Twenty Twelve Theme.
    All shortcodes in the site don’t work.

    Can you help me ?

    Can you post the shortcode you’re trying to use?

    Thread Starter Kaisenwebs


    [custom_pages class=”event-related-page” template=”one_third” effect=”none” hide=”featured-media” entry_ids=”1038″][/custom_pages]

    [gmap height=”150px” type=”simple” latitude=”41.39874390755144″ longitude=”2.166975797436521″]

    The first shortcode is interfering with the second.

    Neither of these shortcodes are from Events Manager. Where do they come from?

    Thread Starter Kaisenwebs


    The [custom_pages] shortcodes comes from the “G1 Page Builder” plugin, and is placed in the content of an event (#_EVENTNOTES).
    The [gmap] plugin comes from the “G1 GMaps” plugin.

    Both are placed in the “Event page format”:

    <ul class="g1-grid" style="margin-bottom:40px;">
    <li class="g1-column g1-one-third g1-valign-top" style="text-align:center;">
    <img src="#_EVENTIMAGEURL" alt="#_EVENTNAME" style="border-radius: 10px;margin:0 20px 20px 0;">
    <li class="g1-column g1-two-third g1-valign-top">
    <ul class="g1-grid">
    <li class="g1-column g1-one-half g1-valign-top">
    <div id="g1-box-counter-1" class="g1-box g1-box--simple  g1-box--noicon"><div class="g1-box__inner">
    <h4><i id="icon-8" class="icon-map-marker g1-icon g1-icon--simple g1-icon--small g1-icon--inherit "></i> Dónde se hace?</h4>
    <p><strong>Dirección:</strong> #_LOCATIONADDRESS, #_LOCATIONTOWN</p>
    <div class="#_LOCATIONREGION">
    [gmap height="150px" type="simple" latitude="#_LOCATIONLATITUDE" longitude="#_LOCATIONLONGITUDE"]
    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    sorry but Im afraid that other plugins shortcode will not work inside EM settings or formatting at the moment.

    Thread Starter Kaisenwebs


    Yes, they work ! The only case is not is when [custom_posts] is used inside #_EVENTNOTES, and at the same time [gmap] is used inside the event page formating.

    Without [custom_posts] shortcode, [gmap] shortcode inside the event page formating is showing perfectly. It seems like some conflict between the parsing of both shortcodes together.
    In contrast, the #_LOCATIONMAP variable is working well along with [custom_posts] shortcode.

    Another option ok for me would be to use #_LOCATIONMAP without showing infomap and the bullet, but I don’t know how.

    Can you help ?

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