• tradesouthwest


    Nice idea but rather overkill for a core element. WP is way too large at this time. Even adding basic dependencies like jQuery UI was a step into the _Doing_It_Wrong directive. At all cost do not promote this “plugin” – it is as nasty as the Customizer and should not be used on any website that requires skill and speed as the working components.

    Keep it up and WP will not even allow plugins pretty soon. That is the direction they have been headed ever since they created WooCommenrce and are trying to make WP an all in house CMS. What ever happened to the GPL Open Source Community. Guess WP is just all so concerned about making toys and trinkettes before they are interested in making WordPress.

    This just goes to show how the infrastructure is corrupted and closed minded when it comes to the original mission of WP. I’d like to say “…they have come a long way, backwards since then.” But I have to say “we” since this is OUR CMS.

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  • Thread Starter tradesouthwest


    Oops, meant to give it 2 stars. Most people can’t even use the current editor, let alone fusion or beaver. How does anyone expect to grasp something that is much more difficult. 2 stars would be for bloat alone. And 1 star for WP thinking it is a good thing to do.

    I agree with you on that last point in that most people new to this kind of stuff are going to find it a challenge, wether it is Gutenberg or TinyMCE. I can foresee a lot of potential for Gutenberg and at some stage it may very well cover all bases in terms of use case and workflows. At the moment it doesn’t and realistically it would be too early to expect it to fulfil all requirements.

    I actually would like Gutenberg and the block system to become some sort of page / visual builder. It kind of needs to become that to close the gap of rendering content exactly how you expect it to. Builders like Divi already do this and it makes sense to do it this way.

    Thread Starter tradesouthwest


    My “point” is almost 180 deg. from the utility purpose of Glutenberg that you mention. Your outlook is interesting as it is, but my finite requisition of _any_ “add-on” for WordPress is Keep it Out of the Core.

    Even Otto and others at and in WP are constantly telling “us” that unless it is content oriented and presentational then it is a ok to put in a theme… colors, font, layout (sidebars etc, not Blocks!). Where as Plugins on the other hand are used to extend the core functionality of WordPress.

    So my summation is that there is _someone_ (associated plural) that has their proverbial foot stuck in their ostentasious mouth organ.

    Did you see what “they” did to the Theme Editor now-days? You can’t even edit a PHP ext. for some unruley reason that WP says has to do with non-programmers screwing up their own sites and then complaining to WP about it.

    OttoMattic just keeps getting kookier and kookier by the minute. What’s next: No custom post types? Can’t wait (sarcasm) to see what rabbit they pul out of the hat, next.

    The block system or page builder, as you reference it to be, is most definitely a plugin and plugin territory. It just seems to me that they are surreptitiously moving to get GBerg as core. Maybe I am misreading a lot of things, but I read a lot and so far this is what I have surmised.

    Even if I am wrong on this, chances are that there will be lots of plugin developers that will get a bad rap by reviewers and more plugins will get booted off of the repo… sort of like WPSS got booted because WP wanted to have ‘other’ plugins rank that WPSS was out-ranking. An awful lot of politics. Keep politics out of Open Source. It is not a healthy way to keep shop.

    Thread Starter tradesouthwest


    To clarify the last sentence, the post last: by “…more plugins will get [scrutinized]” I am referring to the Page Builders that are available as plugins. Not necassarily Divi or Avada Fusion etc. (paid ones).

    I went pro-only about a year ago and sadly it was due to the politics at WP. I never write poor code like many pro-themes on Envato and I only sale on MoJo and a couple others. But that’s just WP stuff. My money is in custom business database apps.

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