• Resolved Julie


    I’m just getting started with Plugin Organizer, but I don’t think this is part of the intended behaviour…

    I have installed the Syntax Highlighter Evolved plugin, which I intend to use only on one page of my site, so I used the Organizer’s global settings to deactivate Highlighter site wide and only activated it manually on the relevant page. I also have the Organizer’s Disable Plugins in Admin option enabled.

    It seems that I can’t access the Syntax Highlighter Evolved settings if it is globally deactivated — even though I’m the only user on the site (hence the only admin), an error is returned saying I don’t have the proper permission level to access the Syntax Highlighter settings page.

    I had to reactivate the Organizer’s global settings to be able to access the Highlighter’s settings. Is there any way to deactivate it from the Organizer global settings and yet still have access to the Highlighter settings admin? I didn’t want to disable the admin settings but perhaps I don’t fully understand the use of that setting.

    Some advice would be appreciated! Thanks!


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  • Thread Starter Julie


    It seems that the global settings don’t work as intended. I tried disabling a few plugins globally and enabling them only on specific pages, but it didn’t work — the plugin functionality isn’t activated on the front-end.

    Since I can’t figure out how to get things to work properly, I’ve deleted this plugin. It doesn’t do what I need it to, or what it says it does.

    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    To get access to the admin piece of your plugin you need to disable selective plugin loading for the admin areas. Right now theres a bug in the plugin that prevents file names from working right. For instance https://www.yoursite.com/wp-admin/admin.php won’t match right now. I’m going to release a new version that fixes that but it is in the works right now. Should be soon but I’m working out a lot of different things for the next version and have several other projects going on so it’s slow going.

    For the front end problem you just need to globally disable the plugin and then create a plugin filter that has a permalink the same as the page you want it enabled on. For instance if you had a page with the permalink https://www.yoursite.com/some/page/you/have/. You would gloablly disable the plugin. Then create a plugin filter with the permalink https://www.yoursite.com/some/page/you/have/ and turn the plugin on for that plugin filter. If the plugin isn’t turning on it may be related to javascript loading a url in the background. What plugin are you trying to work with?

    Thread Starter Julie


    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I had selective loading enabled for the admin areas, but I could still access all settings pages except the one for that particular plugin. But that plugin was giving me headaches anyway so I switched to a different syntax highlighter and was able to access the new settings page without disabling selective loading for the admin area. Hopefully with your new fix nothing like that will happen again…

    So then I tried globally disabling a few plugins that aren’t needed on every page, such as a colorbox plugin for image galleries. I went to pages that use that plugin and enabled them for those pages. But when I tested them, the plugin wasn’t loading. I’ll reinstall this Plugin Organizer and see if I can get it to work by creating a filter as you suggest. If so, I’ll happily change my review!

    Will come back to mark this as resolved if it works. Thanks again.

    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    The colorbox plugin loads content through jquery. You’ll have to look at the source of the page to see what url the jquery is hitting and add a plugin filter for that to enable the plugin.

    Thread Starter Julie


    Hmmm. This all seems too convoluted to me. Why is there a page-specific setting when a filter still needs to be created? It would be a lot easier to use if the page-specific settings took effect without having to create a filter manually.

    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    If it is a page post type then there is no need to create a filter. Just enable the plug in by editing the page and setting the plug in to on.

    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    Did you ever get this working? I know it can be a bit hard for some to understand. If you want to give me access to a test site I can get it set up for you.

    Thread Starter Julie


    No, sorry, I got stuck on another problem I had to work out first. Thanks for the reminder!

    So if I understand correctly, pages don’t need filters but posts and custom post types do? Or do I only need to set up a filter for those that use the colorbox plugin? And would that be pages and posts and custom post types, or just the last two? Yikes! Lol. You’re right — I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this…

    Thanks so much for your help!

    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    Plugin filters are only for things that don’t have an edit screen in the admin. For instance admin pages or archive pages.

    Thread Starter Julie


    Hi Jeff, thanks for all the guidance. I’m making some progress. I got the first one I tried to work using filters ??

    But I couldn’t get the second one to work no matter what I tried. It’s the PayPal Donations plugin. I created filters for every url I see for it in the source code. Then I tried enabling the URL Protocol & Arguments settings, but nothing. Not sure where to go next with that. Any tips?

    Also, I think I’m getting the hang of creating filters (despite the one setback above) and I’m wondering if it’s possible to use filters to deactivate/activate plugins per post type.

    Thanks for the help! It took a while, but it’s all coming together now!

    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    I’ve never worked with the paypal donations plugin. I installed it on my test site but I don’t see it loading anything through a url. It just adds a form to the page that submits to paypal. I might be using a different plugin.

    You can’t activate/deactivate per post type because this plugin runs before wordpress is loaded so none of the post types exist. It uses the url to find the right set of plugins. Unless all of the posts in question start with the same url. For instance if all of your custom post types start with https://www.yoursite.com/post-type-name/ or something similar you can create a plugin filter with the permalink set to https://www.yoursite.com/post-type-name/ and check the also affect children checkbox. Then it would affect anything that started with https://www.yoursite.com/post-type-name/. So if you had 2 posts named https://www.yoursite.com/post-type-name/post1 and https://www.yoursite.com/post-type-name/post2 it would affect both of them.

    Thread Starter Julie


    Thanks for the quick reply!

    I think you have the right PayPal plugin — that’s how it outputs for me, too. The form includes a couple of urls for the images to display, a link to https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr/ and a link to my return page. So I set up filters for both images, that source link, and the return page. Didn’t work. No surprise, since you tell me it’s not actually loading those urls. Yet how can the plugin display the image files and not load them? So I’m not sure what to do about that one, short of manually disabling it everywhere it’s not being used. I hope that’s not what I’ll have to do!!

    Thanks for the info about post types. That helps a lot ??

    I updated my review, as promised, btw…

    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    You would need a filter for the return page. But not for any urls that are pointing to the paypal site. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr/ is where the form will post to and that is on the paypal site so you wouldn’t need that. Same for the image. When you say it isn’t working do you mean the donate button isn’t showing or that it doesn’t work when you return from paypal after donating?

    Thread Starter Julie


    There’s no donate button that shows up at all, which was why I created the filter for the image, but that didn’t work.

    However, I checked a few other pages and the PayPal plugin isn’t loading in the document head/footer anywhere, not even on the page where I’m using it. The form is only loading in the content of the one page. So I guess maybe I was trying to set this one up for nothing? Lol. If so, then sorry about that!

    Also, I tried to set up a filter for the colorbox jquery but it’s still not working. Not sure what else to try since I can’t see any other urls specific to that plugin in the page source. I do see an actual script in the doc footer, though:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(this).colorbox({rel:$(this).attr("data-lightboxplus"),speed:250,width:"40%",height:"60%",innerWidth:"40%",innerHeight:"50%",initialWidth:"25%",initialHeight:"25%",scalePhotos:false,opacity:0.2,previous:"Previous",next:"Next",close:"Close Gallery",scrolling:false,top:false,right:false,bottom:false,left:"33%",fixed:true});
        $(this).colorbox({rel:$(this).attr("data-lightboxplus"),speed:250,width:"99%",height:"75%",innerWidth:"89%",innerHeight:"65%",initialWidth:"55%",initialHeight:"35%",maxWidth:"99%",maxHeight:"99%",opacity:0.2,previous:"Previous",next:"Next",close:"Close Gallery"});
      $(".lbp-inline-link-1").colorbox({transition:"elastic", speed:"250", width:"60%", height:"60%", innerWidth:"50%", innerHeight:"50%", maxWidth:"80%", maxHeight:"80%", top:false, right:"20%", bottom:"20%", left:false, fixed:true, open:false, opacity:"0.4", inline:true, href:"#lbp-inline-href-1"});
      $(".lbp-inline-link-2").colorbox({transition:"elastic", speed:"250", width:"60%", height:"60%", innerWidth:"50%", innerHeight:"50%", maxWidth:"80%", maxHeight:"80%", top:false, right:"20%", bottom:"20%", left:false, fixed:true, open:false, opacity:"0.4", inline:true, href:"#lbp-inline-href-2"});
      $(".lbp-inline-link-3").colorbox({transition:"elastic", speed:"250", width:"60%", height:"60%", innerWidth:"50%", innerHeight:"50%", maxWidth:"80%", maxHeight:"80%", top:false, right:"20%", bottom:"20%", left:false, fixed:true, open:false, opacity:"0.4", inline:true, href:"#lbp-inline-href-3"});
      $(".lbp-inline-link-4").colorbox({transition:"elastic", speed:"250", width:"60%", height:"60%", innerWidth:"50%", innerHeight:"50%", maxWidth:"80%", maxHeight:"80%", top:false, right:"20%", bottom:"20%", left:false, fixed:true, open:false, opacity:"0.4", inline:true, href:"#lbp-inline-href-4"});
      $(".lbp-inline-link-5").colorbox({transition:"elastic", speed:"250", width:"60%", height:"60%", innerWidth:"50%", innerHeight:"50%", maxWidth:"80%", maxHeight:"80%", top:false, right:"20%", bottom:"20%", left:false, fixed:true, open:false, opacity:"0.4", inline:true, href:"#lbp-inline-href-5"});

    So am I right in assuming that I won’t be able to create a filter for this and that I’ll have to disable the colorbox manually wherever I don’t want it?

    (The one set of filters I’ve gotten to work so far was for the syntax highlighter, btw. That’s working exactly as expected.)

    Here’s one more question and I think I’ll be good to go. I have a plugin that’s loading some really heavy js files in the doc head on every page throughout the site. I don’t want to disable the plugin, but I’d like to disable those files, except on the 4 pages where I need them. How would I go about doing that?

    Thanks for sticking with me through all of this!

    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    Which colorbox plugin are you using? There are a few out there. I’ll try to set it up on my test site.

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