There’s no donate button that shows up at all, which was why I created the filter for the image, but that didn’t work.
However, I checked a few other pages and the PayPal plugin isn’t loading in the document head/footer anywhere, not even on the page where I’m using it. The form is only loading in the content of the one page. So I guess maybe I was trying to set this one up for nothing? Lol. If so, then sorry about that!
Also, I tried to set up a filter for the colorbox jquery but it’s still not working. Not sure what else to try since I can’t see any other urls specific to that plugin in the page source. I do see an actual script in the doc footer, though:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(this).colorbox({rel:$(this).attr("data-lightboxplus"),speed:250,width:"40%",height:"60%",innerWidth:"40%",innerHeight:"50%",initialWidth:"25%",initialHeight:"25%",scalePhotos:false,opacity:0.2,previous:"Previous",next:"Next",close:"Close Gallery",scrolling:false,top:false,right:false,bottom:false,left:"33%",fixed:true});
$(this).colorbox({rel:$(this).attr("data-lightboxplus"),speed:250,width:"99%",height:"75%",innerWidth:"89%",innerHeight:"65%",initialWidth:"55%",initialHeight:"35%",maxWidth:"99%",maxHeight:"99%",opacity:0.2,previous:"Previous",next:"Next",close:"Close Gallery"});
$(".lbp-inline-link-1").colorbox({transition:"elastic", speed:"250", width:"60%", height:"60%", innerWidth:"50%", innerHeight:"50%", maxWidth:"80%", maxHeight:"80%", top:false, right:"20%", bottom:"20%", left:false, fixed:true, open:false, opacity:"0.4", inline:true, href:"#lbp-inline-href-1"});
$(".lbp-inline-link-2").colorbox({transition:"elastic", speed:"250", width:"60%", height:"60%", innerWidth:"50%", innerHeight:"50%", maxWidth:"80%", maxHeight:"80%", top:false, right:"20%", bottom:"20%", left:false, fixed:true, open:false, opacity:"0.4", inline:true, href:"#lbp-inline-href-2"});
$(".lbp-inline-link-3").colorbox({transition:"elastic", speed:"250", width:"60%", height:"60%", innerWidth:"50%", innerHeight:"50%", maxWidth:"80%", maxHeight:"80%", top:false, right:"20%", bottom:"20%", left:false, fixed:true, open:false, opacity:"0.4", inline:true, href:"#lbp-inline-href-3"});
$(".lbp-inline-link-4").colorbox({transition:"elastic", speed:"250", width:"60%", height:"60%", innerWidth:"50%", innerHeight:"50%", maxWidth:"80%", maxHeight:"80%", top:false, right:"20%", bottom:"20%", left:false, fixed:true, open:false, opacity:"0.4", inline:true, href:"#lbp-inline-href-4"});
$(".lbp-inline-link-5").colorbox({transition:"elastic", speed:"250", width:"60%", height:"60%", innerWidth:"50%", innerHeight:"50%", maxWidth:"80%", maxHeight:"80%", top:false, right:"20%", bottom:"20%", left:false, fixed:true, open:false, opacity:"0.4", inline:true, href:"#lbp-inline-href-5"});
So am I right in assuming that I won’t be able to create a filter for this and that I’ll have to disable the colorbox manually wherever I don’t want it?
(The one set of filters I’ve gotten to work so far was for the syntax highlighter, btw. That’s working exactly as expected.)
Here’s one more question and I think I’ll be good to go. I have a plugin that’s loading some really heavy js files in the doc head on every page throughout the site. I don’t want to disable the plugin, but I’d like to disable those files, except on the 4 pages where I need them. How would I go about doing that?
Thanks for sticking with me through all of this!