Hi Kimberly!
Thanks for your feedback!
If I understood you correctly, you could do that with my plugin, at least for the archive. For single posts of that post type see at the bottom of my answer.
Enable the layout “Content Sidebar-Alt”, also enable style sheet loading for it, via the setting “Load CSS styles for the two 2-column layouts?”
Also enable global support for Archive Settings page. On that settings page for your post type, enable the layout “Content Sidebar-Alt”.
This should do it!
However, if that is not working, it could also be some mysterious change/ bug in Genesis that we are currently testing out with core developers, related to the layout setting/ saving, especially default layouts. But please try the above first.
For single entries of that post type, use the inpost layout settings (enable before via my plugin). If you want to enforce that by default you would need to add the following code to your functions.php of your child theme (make file backup before!):
add_filter( 'genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout', 'gle_custom_cpt_single_layout', 101 );
* Genesis Layout Extras: Custom Layout for a CPT single posts.
function gle_custom_cpt_single_layout( $opt ) {
if ( is_singular( 'your-post-type-here' ) ) {
$opt = 'content-sidebaralt';
return $opt;
‘your-post-type-here’ —> this needs to be replaced with the registered ID of your post type.
I hope that works for you.
Thanks, Dave ??