• Resolved einstein green


    I have been using Ulimate Member on my client’s site for many years, but there is a recent issue that is restricting the whole site for non-members, even though the settings under: Global Site Access are “Site accessible to Everyone”. I haven’t changed any settings. Recently we got the message:`Ultimate Member version 2.3.0 needs to be updated to work correctly.
    It is necessary to update the structure of the database and options that are associated with Ultimate Member 2.3.0.> Upgrade Now Restrict Content Pro needs to perform system maintenance. This maintenance is REQUIRED.” I just did that update and it seemed successful, but the site accessibility did not change – it’s still only visible to logged-in members.
    Thanks for your help,

    Here’s the install info:

    ### Begin Install Info ###
    ## Please include this information when posting support requests ##
    --- Site Info ---
    Site URL:					https://www.andesworldtravel.com
    Home URL:					https://www.andesworldtravel.com
    Multisite:					No
    --- Hosting Provider ---
    Host:						DBH: localhost, SRV: www.andesworldtravel.com
    --- User Browser ---
    Platform:                 Apple 
    Browser Name:             Chrome  
    Browser Version:          96.0.4664.110 
    User Agent String:        Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Ma 
    			  c OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.
                              36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96
                              .0.4664.110 Safari/537.36
    ---- Current User Details --
    Role: administrator
    --- WordPress Configurations ---
    Version:						5.8.3
    Language:					en_US
    Permalink Structure:			/%postname%/
    Active Theme:				Enfold Child 1.0
    Page On Front:				Andes World Travel – DMC (#23390)
    Page For Posts:				 (#0)
    ABSPATH:					/home/andeswor/public_html/
    All Posts/Pages:				17
    WP Remote Post:           		wp_remote_post() works
    WP_DEBUG:                 			Disabled
    WP Table Prefix:          			Length: 12, Status: Acceptable
    Memory Limit:   				40MB
    --- UM Configurations ---
    Version:						2.3.0
    Upgraded From:            		2.3.0
    Current URL Method:			
    Cache User Profile:			Yes
    Generate Slugs on Directories:	Yes
    Force UTF-8 Encoding: 		No
    JS/CSS Compression: 			No
    Port Forwarding in URL: 		No
    Exclude CSS/JS on Home: 		No
    --- UM Pages Configuration ---
    User:						https://www.andesworldtravel.com/user/
    Account:						https://www.andesworldtravel.com/account/
    Members:					https://www.andesworldtravel.com/members/
    Register:						https://www.andesworldtravel.com/?page_id=20377
    Login:						https://www.andesworldtravel.com/login/
    Logout:						https://www.andesworldtravel.com/logout/
    Password Reset:				https://www.andesworldtravel.com/password-reset/
    --- UM Users Configuration ---
    Default New User Role: 		0
    Profile Permalink Base:		user_login
    User Display Name:			full_name
    Force Name to Uppercase:		No
    Redirect author to profile: 		Yes
    Enable Members Directory:	Yes
    Use Gravatars: 				No
    Require a strong password: 	Off
    --- UM Access Configuration ---
    Panic Key: 								
    Global Site Access:						Site accessible to Everyone
    Backend Login Screen for Guests:			No
    Redirect to alternative login page:			
    Backend Register Screen for Guests:		No
    Redirect to alternative register page:		
    Access Control widget for Admins only: 		No
    Enable the Reset Password Limit:			Yes
    Reset Password Limit: 3Disable Reset Password Limit for Admins: No
    Blacklist Words: 							5
    --- UM Email Configurations ---
    Mail appears from:  			Andes World Travel
    Mail appears from address:  	info@andesworldtravel.com
    Use HTML for E-mails:   		Yes
    Account Welcome Email:  		Yes
    Account Activation Email:   	No
    Pending Review Email:   		No
    Account Approved Email: 		No
    Account Rejected Email: 		No
    Account Deactivated Email:  	Yes
    Account Deleted Email:  		Yes
    Password Reset Email:   		Yes
    Password Changed Email: 		Yes
    --- UM Total Users ---
    				All Users(185)
    --- UM Roles ---
    				Administrator (administrator)
    Editor (editor)
    Author (author)
    Contributor (contributor)
    Subscriber (subscriber)
    BackWPup Admin (backwpup_admin)
    BackWPup jobs checker (backwpup_check)
    BackWPup jobs helper (backwpup_helper)
    s2Member Level 1 (s2member_level1)
    s2Member Level 2 (s2member_level2)
    s2Member Level 3 (s2member_level3)
    s2Member Level 4 (s2member_level4)
    SEO Manager (wpseo_manager)
    SEO Editor (wpseo_editor)
    --- UM Custom Templates ---
    --- UM Email HTML Templates ---
    --- Web Server Configurations ---
    PHP Version:              			7.4.27
    MySQL Version:            			5.5.5
    Web Server Info:          			LiteSpeed
    --- PHP Configurations ---
    PHP Memory Limit:         			768M
    PHP Upload Max Size:      			128M
    PHP Post Max Size:        			128M
    PHP Upload Max Filesize:  			128M
    PHP Time Limit:           			0
    PHP Max Input Vars:       			10000
    PHP Arg Separator:        			&
    PHP Allow URL File Open:  			Yes
    --- Web Server Extensions/Modules ---
    DISPLAY ERRORS:           			N/A
    FSOCKOPEN:                			Your server supports fsockopen.
    cURL:                     			Your server supports cURL.
    SOAP Client:              			Your server has the SOAP Client enabled.
    SUHOSIN:                  			Your server does not have SUHOSIN installed.
    GD Library:               			PHP GD library is installed on your web server.
    Mail:                     			PHP mail function exist on your web server.
    Exif:				          PHP Exif library is installed on your web server.
    --- Session Configurations ---
    Session:                  			Disabled
    Session Name:             			PHPSESSID
    Cookie Path:              			/
    Save Path:                			/tmp
    Use Cookies:              			On
    Use Only Cookies:         			On
    --- WordPress Active Plugins ---
    				a3 Lazy Load: 2.4.8
    Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster:
    Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order: 1.5.9
    Classic Editor: 1.6.2
    Classic Widgets: 0.2
    Column Shortcodes: 1.0.1
    Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7: 2.0.8
    Contact Form 7: 5.5.3
    Contact Form 7 - Dynamic Text Extension: 2.0.3
    Contact Form 7 - Post Fields: 2.5.7
    Contact Form 7 Shortcode Enabler: 1.1
    Custom Facebook Feed Pro Business: 4.1.1
    Disable Comments: 2.3.2
    Enable Media Replace: 3.6.3
    Google Font Manager: 1.1.4
    Image Widget: 4.4.7
    Imsanity: 2.7.2
    Login-Logout: 3.8
    ManageWP - Worker: 4.9.13
    Media Library Categories: 1.9.9
    Page Builder by SiteOrigin: 2.16.0
    Post Types Order: 1.9.7
    ReCaptcha v2 for Contact Form 7: 1.3.7
    Restrict Content: 3.0.3
    ShortPixel Image Optimizer: 4.22.6
    Show IDs: 1.1.8
    Simple Tooltips: 2.1.3
    SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle: 1.28.0
    Snazzy Maps: 1.4.0
    Social LikeBox & Feed: 2.9.9
    TablePress: 1.14
    TablePress Extension: Change DataTables strings: 1.2
    TablePress Extension: DataTables ColumnFilterWidgets: 1.6
    TablePress Extension: DataTables Sorting plugins: 1.0
    TablePress Extension: DataTables TableTools: 1.2
    TablePress Extension: Pagination Length Change "All" entry: 1.2
    TablePress Extension: Responsive Tables: 1.2
    TablePress Extension: Row Filtering: 1.2
    Text Blocks: 1.5.3
    Ultimate Member: 2.3.0
    Update Theme and Plugins from Zip File: 2.0.0
    UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: 1.16.69
    Widget Logic: 5.10.4
    WordPress Access Control: 4.0.13
    WP Edit: 4.0.4
    WP Fastest Cache: 0.9.7
    WP Google Maps: 8.1.19
    WP Google Maps - Pro Add-on: 8.1.17
    WP Sitemap Page: 1.9.1
    Yoast Duplicate Post: 4.3
    Yoast SEO: 17.9
    Yoast SEO: Local: 7.3
    YoImages: 0.1.8
    ### End Install Info ###

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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