• Resolved JQP


    Thanks once again for the great plug-in, Antoine!

    My latest stumbling block: We’d like to only give points for Toto score. I set Toto at 1 point and all the others at 0. But now I see that if a person gets the Full Score right, they don’t get any points for Toto. I assume that’s because the code only gives you points for one or the other. Is there an easy way of changing that or do I have to tell people to make absolutely certain they don’t get the score right?


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  • Plugin Author AntoineH


    Your assumption is right; toto and full are not cumulative.
    There are two places you would have to change: the calc_score function in the FootballPoolPool class and the score calculation class in the admin folder. At the moment I am on a holiday so won’t be able to look up the code for you. When I am back home (in a week) I can look it up for you.

    Thread Starter JQP


    LOL. I think I got it on the Pool class:

    $full = false;
    		$score = 0;
    		// check for toto result
    		if ( $this->is_toto_result( $home, $away, $user_home, $user_away ) == true ) {
    		$score = (int) Football_Pool_Utils::get_fp_option( 'totopoints', FOOTBALLPOOL_TOTOPOINTS, 'int' );
    		// check for exact match
    		if ( $home == $user_home && $away == $user_away ) {
    				$score = (int) Football_Pool_Utils::get_fp_option( 'fullpoints', FOOTBALLPOOL_FULLPOINTS, 'int' );
    				$full = true;

    But I have no idea what I’m looking at in the calculation class. It can wait, though. Enjoy your time off. You deserve it!

    Thread Starter JQP


    Doh! Ya know, it just now occurred to me that all I have to do is count Full Score and Toto equally and it will have the same effect without having to hack.

    Thanks anyway, Antoine.


    Plugin Author AntoineH


    Smart thinking.

    There is only one (maybe small) problem with your scoring and that is that the ranking of the plugin takes the amount of full scores and toto scores into account when players end up with the same amount of points. That shouldn’t happen in your situation. So maybe that is something you might want to change as well.

    Thread Starter JQP


    I think that will work out as well. I was planning on using Full Scores as a tiebreaker, if it should happen. It’s in reverse order, but if they start out with equal Toto scores, I’d think that would have the same effect, too.

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