• Hi,

    I’ve added a field “upload_your_file”. It’s a “file upload field” type.
    I have also 2 new fields:
    birthday (date field)
    lastname (text-line field)

    Let’s say a user is in the Frontend Record Edit Form, and is uploading a file in the “upload_your_file” field. i.e. myfile.txt

    I’d like the plugin to save that file with a custom filename:
    filename= lastname-birthday.ext

    where “ext” is the original extension (in my example, “txt”)

    I see there is the function “_handle_file_upload” in participants-database.php and I guess I should edit something there but I am not a programmer.
    I just can imagine that the part of the code should be

    // validate and construct the new filename using only the allowed file extension
          $new_filename = preg_replace(array('#\.#', "/\s+/", "/[^-\.\w]+/"), array("-", "_", ""), $matches[1]) . '.' . $matches[2];
          // now make sure the name is unique by adding an index if needed
          $index = 1;
          while (file_exists(xnau_Image_Handler::concatenate_directory_path(ABSPATH, self::$plugin_options['image_upload_location']) . $new_filename)) {
            $filename_parts = pathinfo($new_filename);
           $new_filename = preg_replace(array('#_[0-9]+$#'), array(''), $filename_parts['filename']) . '_' . $index . '.' . $filename_parts['extension'];

    Could you please give me a hand?

    Thank you.


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  • Thread Starter teliuscf



    so far, I found a rough solution:

    $urladdress = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    		$personalid = substr($urladdress, -5);
    		$part01 = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT city FROM wp_participants_database WHERE private_id = '$personalid' ");
    		$new_filename = $part01 . '_' . $index . '.' . 'jjj';
    		//$new_filename = $parte01 . '_' . $index . '.' $filename_parts['extension'];

    but it works only if I upload a file with the same name of a file already uploaded. ??
    I guess it’s because I am in the wrong part of the code… and “$new_filename” si the new name of the file if there is already a file with the same name of the one I am uploading.
    But due to my ignorance, I don’t understand where is the right part ??

    Could you please tell me where I can “intercept” the right variable in order to change the name of an uploading file?

    Thank you. Carlo

    Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    Carlo, I really hate to say this, but as far as supporting the plugin is concerned, you’re kinda on your own. I don’t support modifying the plugin code, I don’t have the time. I’m sorry. Keep at it, you’ll learn a lot.

    Thread Starter teliuscf


    Oh, I am sorry to hear this.

    I am sure I am close to it but due to my huge limit, I’ve read and read the participants-database.php without getting where the right variable is.

    Anyway Roland, I see your point and I’d like to thank you for this really useful plugin.

    Cheers. Carlo

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