• Resolved denete


    Using custom field validation code as was given in this page, https://givewp.com/documentation/developers/how-to-create-custom-form-fields/ , I have been able to adequately verify my custom field.

    But, once the validation happens, the user is delivered back to the form page in WP.

    The validation code has a simple return statement when validated.

    function give_validate_recaptcha( $valid_data, $data ) {
        $recaptcha_url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify';
        $recaptcha_secret_key = 'xxx_secret_xxx';
        $recaptcha_response = file_get_contents($recaptcha_url . "?secret=" . $recaptcha_secret_key . "&response=" . $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'] . "&remoteip=" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
        $recaptcha_data = json_decode($recaptcha_response);
        if(isset($recaptcha_data->success) AND $recaptcha_data->success == true) {
        } else {
            give_set_error( 'g-recaptcha-response', __( 'Please verify that you are not a robot.', 'give' ) );
    add_action( 'give_checkout_error_checks', 'give_validate_recaptcha', 10, 2 );


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  • Thread Starter denete


    I forgot to state the problem. ??

    The user is never presented with the success page and the donation process stops at that point.

    Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    Hi there,

    This doesn’t appear to be the whole code that you would use to add a custom field. Specifically, when I test it, it simply displays an error message saying “Please verify that you are not a Robot”, instead of also displaying the whole ReCaptcha form for the user to verify with.

    Bottom line is that your custom field is the source of the problem. If you can provide the whole code including the ReCaptcha form then I could speak more directly to that.

    Also, just so you know, we’ll be rolling out a version soon that includes what’s known as a “honeypot” on all our forms. This is an invisible way to prevent bots from hitting your Give forms.

    Thread Starter denete


    You are correct. In the head of the page is…
    <script src='https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js'></script>

    Added to wp-content/plugins/give/includes/forms/template.php line 1135…
    <div id="give-recaptcha-element" class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="xxx_sitekey_xxx" style="margin-bottom:1em"></div>

    Added to custom JS for the page…

    jQuery(document).on('give_gateway_loaded', function() {
        grecaptcha.render('give-recaptcha-element', {
            'sitekey' : xxx_sitekey_xxx'

    Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    OK, I was able to duplicate your whole setup. But I re-worked it a bit primarily because you NEVER want to change the core files of the plugin and with GIVE we have enough hooks that you won’t ever HAVE to change the core files to do what you want.

    Pull out the customizations you made to the core files and use this snippet here instead:

    But notice I say it’s incomplete. The part that is missing and is causing that redirect is that we need to add logic to handle the response FROM Google when the ReCaptcha returns successful. Once that response is received, we need to trigger the form completion.

    This is pretty complex functionality, so our lead Developer Devin will need to finalize this. Unfortunately, he’s wrapping up a bunch of other work before he takes off on vacation for a while. So I can’t promise an early turn-around on this at all.

    If you have a qualified developer you are working with, then hopefully this information should help them finalize the customization you are looking for.

    Thread Starter denete


    Absolutely a great starting place for us. Thank you!

    Thread Starter denete


    For what it is worth, the success response in line 17 of the snippet you provided what should allow the form to proceed as normal.

    Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    Ya, I believe that return; needs to be something else to properly tell the form to continue as expected. We’ll see what Devin can come up with.

    Plugin Author Devin Walker


    Thread Starter denete


    Awesome, Devin.

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