Hi @wialord,
Glad you got it sorted and thanks for the feedback on V7 – it definitely needs improvement in the usability department.
Just to make sure, did you get your site working on your intended domain in the end?
The repository name in GitHub is also a requirement to getting custom domain static site hosting working with them.
I’d suggest looking at Netlify if you’re still having issues. Also free hosting with unlimited custom domain mappings (GitHub only allows (or used to) 1 custom domain mapping per user/org.
Site performance should be better with Netlify, too. You can also just export as a ZIP and drag and drop into their UI, which is nice and simple (most of the time!).
Even better performance can be had by using S3 + CloudFront, but with big jump in complexity / new tools to learn if not familiar with AWS things already.
Anyway, hope you get your site as you like on your own domain!