• I have several wordpress sites and have been using it comfortably for years.

    My new one is coming along nicely, but there is something strange happening.

    Yesterday I had everything perfect, but I noticed all of a sudden some of the links to menu pages were missing! There should be an “About” and a “Contact” page on the menu but it is gone! If you lick on the links the pages are there, but they do not link to the menu for some reason.

    The weird thing is that later yesterday after this first happened, I logged back on to check it, and they were back! Weird! I could not understand what happened. It was working fine all night.

    I checked it this morning and they are gone again! I’m so confused!

    The only thing I can think of is I have a plugin that allows me to make pages that are not on the menu bar. But its a simple tickbox and I’ve checked them all and they are fine.

    Any idea whatsoever why this might happen?

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  • Thread Starter zascar


    Ok I think I might know why this is happening.

    Might there be a max limit to the amount of links you can have on the top bar? If I change one too “Draft” one of the ones that had dissappeared, reappears.

    Can I change this? I can get rid of the RSS icon I do not need it.

    I would really appreciate if someone can help me

    In this case I would not trust the plugin. Deactivate it and check what happens. WP does not linit the number of pages in the page menu and you have plenty of space in the menubar.

    If you only want so much pages in your menu, you could work with an include statement
    <?php wp_list_pages('include=32,44&title_li='); ?>
    32 en 44 being the page-id’s.

    BTW How would people find pages that are not in the menu?

    Thread Starter zascar



    The way people find the pages that are not in the menu are from links on other pages. I just want to have static pages for an article on each person.

    Am I doing this wrong? Is there a better way to do it? Sub-Pages perhaps?

    Thanks for your help

    Thread Starter zascar


    Ok I have just tried making all these pages a sub-page (child) of one of the main parent links (DJ’s) and deactivated the plugin.

    ALL the links then appear on the menubar. I do not want this.
    If I activate the pugin again, it goes back to limiting the menu itens to 4.



    Thread Starter zascar


    OK, getting there.

    So I changed all the sub pages (that I do not want appearing on the top menu) to “Drafts” and my menu bar comes back to normal, just as I want it. ??

    Then I try to change them back to Published. I can change one or two of them back, but any more and it starts shrinking the amount of pages on my menu bar. Weird!!


    Why would this happen??? Any idea how I can fix it?

    QUOTE: ALL the links then appear on the menubar. I do not want this.
    If I activate the plugin again, it goes back to limiting the menu itens to 4. END QUOTE.
    SO, the plugin does it then. BTW I am counting 8 menu items now.
    And, yes subpages are good; keeps you organised.

    You can even automate the inclusion of new subpages in the main page, but you need to create a specific template for that and use in the template at least this
    <?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&child_of=698&title_li='); ?>

    and assign this template to the parent page.

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