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  • Plugin Author shauno


    Hi chophouse

    That is an interesting question. Unfortunately I don’t have an answer for it. The problem is that the plugin can limit voting in so many ways (IP, WP user, and cookies), adding something like that would be a challenge.

    In your case specifically, you could probably write a SQL query that groups the votes by IP (as you say that’s what you’re using to check). But if you have more than 1 gallery, you would need to only select the correct picture IDs in the query.

    can someone specify how to do this with a SQL Query?


    Thread Starter chophouse


    What I did was just buy the NextGEN Gallery Voting Premium plugin. It’s only 8 bucks and you can export the individual votes along with IP. Then I used Excel advanced filter to get the uniques.

    i did the same just thought it was easier in sql… Thanks!

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