• hgrietkerk


    Since one week WordPress is running smoothly. Since I work abroad for me the option to post by email is quite important. Unfortunatly I can’t get it running. When I call wp-mail.php from the browser nothing happens (screen remains white). The cron job reports back to me by email with the following message:
    Status: 404
    Content-type: text/html
    X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.4
    No input file specified.
    The path I have defined in the cron job is:
    php /hansguid_/public_html/wp-mail.php
    The question is for me if it is the wp-mail.php that is not working or the cron that is not defined correctly. Is it correct that when I go to
    https://www.hansguido.nl/wp-mail.php that this should work as well? What kind of message (ok or error) should I receive as a response? Now the screen remains blank…
    Thanks for your assistance!

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  • bytewarrior


    I don’t think you are supposed to call wp-mail.php directly. You just have to send an e-mail with a certain subjectprefix (you can find this in your Options > Blog-by-Email settings).

    Moderator Matt Mullenweg


    Are you trying to execute the script directly or through the web server?


    Hi hgrietkerk,
    Did you work out the problem? I have just installed WordPress 1.0.1-miles and I would like to get the email blogging to work but I don’t know how.
    Any tips would be appreciated.
    Regards from Denmark,

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