• Resolved Mimi.c


    Hi Nick,
    Please help, I realize you were only on here 8 hours ago, but i hope you will return to save me!
    I am putting in the shortcode to try and get a pinterest style gallery on my page from 4 images I have put in a gallery in the space box, but other images are showing instead and not ones from the gallery and not at all pinterest style. . sad face.

    (I think images not showing may be to do with file types – only working for jpg? – i saw some one else said that images they wanted were not showing.. maybe it was something like this. )

    Anyhows.. for a basic pinterest style gallery .. is there anyway you could show me the exact shortcode?
    – I can only think I must be doing something very very silly. Which is real frustrating as it seems that after so much plugin testing this one does everything I want..if only i could use it! many thanks, Mimi


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  • Plugin Author Nick Haskins


    The only images it will show , are the images that are in the gallery.

    [gallery ids="24,523,45,345"] is 4 images. If it’s showing more, than you have put more images in it.

    Nobody has reported anything about images not working. It’s going to return the images you have put in the gallery.

    There is a lot of documentation on the site, showing how to use the different shortcodes:


    Thread Starter Mimi.c


    Thank you Nick.
    This is not what it is doing at the moment. It is displaying image ids different to those chosen for the gallery.
    I will persist a little while longer.. and let you know how I get on.
    Thank you for the demo site, really helpful.

    The post re diff images appearing I was referring to was:

    Plugin Author Nick Haskins


    it’s impossible for it do display any other images, other than what is in the shortcode, on the page. The code is literally extracting images from those ids.

    Plugin Author Nick Haskins


    Can you paste here what your shortcode is along with a link to your site?

    Thread Starter Mimi.c


    Hiya Nick,
    Sorted! I was going to give you the screenshot and shortcode –
    But seems pointless to waste anymore of your time. .
    I had a gallery inserted with 7ids but only 4 images showing – others completely to the 7. No Idea what was going on, did not think it possible.
    I had several other gallery plugins that i had tried still installed. . I then deleted and uninstalled them all. Re installing only Spaces Boxes and now all is peachy. Maybe the installation was interrupted first time or something, or by some craziness it was interacting with other gallery plugin.

    Thank you so much for your replies. Great Plugin!
    Hover over text might be cool on a layout.. will see what I can come up with. Do you have a features request area? Thanks!

    Plugin Author Nick Haskins


    Great to hear!!! Yep any requests can be posted here!

    I have the same problem. I made space box from 1 picture, but in the page I have 4 different pictures. And picture what I had inserted, not showing. I had reinstalled Space Boxes, but still have the same problem.

    Hey! I resolved problem. I inserted whole gallery instead of separate picture!

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