Good day:
I like your blog title; granted I’m biased appreciating chocolate and sweet things.
If you’ve not done so, follow to secure your WordPress installation.
Make sure WordPress, all themes, and plugins are up to date.
Make sure all users have secure passwords. A secure password should be 12 wide, alphanumeric, uppercase and lowercase where none of the letters form dictionary words in any language. can be used to generate random, relatively secure passwords if you don’t have a desktop tool handy.
We do use and recommend the Asikimet plugin.
Under Settings, Discussion Settings here’s what we use that has been working for us (in addition to Askimet):
Checked – Comment author must fill out name and e-mail
Unchecked – Users must be registered and logged in to comment
Before a comment appears – checked Comment author must have a previously approved comment
Now, in our case under Settings, General, we do not have checked “Anyone can register”
Thank you.