• Hello !

    I have a problem : I run a site with the Gridster-Lite theme, and I have problems with the Featured Image feature.

    When I select it and use an picture, the picture shows up as the post-thumbnail on the Home Page, but appears in full size in the article.

    Now, what I want is to have the thumbnail (so that every article doesn’t look the same outwardly !) but get rid of the image inside the post.

    Any insight concerning what to change ? The site is https://www.culture.paris-sorbonne.fr/le-cinq/ if you want to see for yourself – I added a Featured Image to one article for reference.

    Thanks for your help !

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  • I don’t mean to be totally dense…but…so the code above

    .postimage {
    	display: none;

    is what allows me to use different images? I understand I’m probably supposed to substitute the “none” value with something else, but I don’t know how to insert the different image paths…

    .postimage is your image on your post and {display: none;} is the command you are using to not display the thumnail image on the post page. This modifies the code to rewrite the command so the featured image is not displayed in the post but leaves the code/command that lets the featured image be displayed as the thumbnail.

    I just notice this post

    Question do you have to just have this child theme or can you edit this out on any theme and if so where would i find it, with out sounding dumb

    Thank you xx

    I just notice this post

    Question do you have to just have this child theme or can you edit this out on any theme and if so where would i find it, with out sounding dumb

    I only ask as have the custom css option in my jetpack but not this theme you mentioned

    Thank you xx

    Hi kaymistress,

    If you go up a few posts you can see where I say
    FIRST. Ex:
    I. Create Child Theme
    Create a CHILD THEME with the plugin Duplicate Theme. There is no coding just install and follow directions; make sure to check create a child theme when doing this. Then, go back to themes and activate the child theme.

    To create a child theme use the plugin Duplicate Theme.
    1. Install this plugin: Duplicate Theme
    2. Activate the plugin.
    3. Look under Appearance in the Dashboard of WordPress.
    4. Select the Duplicate Theme plugin.
    5. Follow the directions of this image:
    <img src=”https://i1197.photobucket.com/albums/aa424/yourzomgguide/Childtheme_zps00a90399.png&#8221; alt=”Dait or Wait” width=”400″ height=”300″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-904″ />
    Follow the rest of the directions that I posted in the first post where I included this answer.

    Good luck!

    Thank you so much just found a thing where i do not have to create the child theme (but keeping this for ref for other things as not done one of them)

    Thank you again for replying to me appreciated

    Kay xx

    Hey Kaymistress, No problem. Duplicate Theme is an excellent and supper easy plugin. This theme is awesome too. Hope it all goes well.

    I removed
    <?php the_post_thumbnail('post-full', array('class' => 'postimage')); ?>
    from content-single php file

    to get rid of the thumbnail image in the post so only have the 1 image. Dunno if thats what you meant but might help someone else

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