• helpmeout


    Alright heres my website


    and I want to make it look as most like a website instead of a blog as possible, So I want to get rid of the date and time on posts and just have one post so its more like a section not a blog. But I cant figure it out.

    Also as seen here


    On the side box thing were it says Pages, Archives, categorys, Recent posts, etc, is there anyway I can get rid of all of that on mine but leave the search, and add the Last.fm box that he has? ( how )


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  • Thread Starter helpmeout


    okay heres more in depth of what I meant:

    My website: Sherwood.ceege.net

    The home page is now fine, My friend got rid of the date and time, although I would like to get rid of the Add comment | edit and that stuff, if you can tell me how that would be good.

    Also under about, it shows leave reply. How can I get rid of that whole box ?

    Then on the right notice at https://www.danielfreeman.co.uk how he has a Last.FM box on the bottom right? How can I get that there?

    Basically I want it to look more like a website than a blog rather.



    Really you should be using pages instead of posts for this. Pages by default don’t have the information you are trying to remove. If you ever decide that you want a blog added on then you probably want those things back in. It will be a pain since you have modified the code for the post type.

    Thread Starter helpmeout


    I did add pages but then it still says the reply box



    its better you make some changes in the posts.php file in your own risk.
    Before doing that make a backup file…ok..



    Open the singlepost.php file..
    and delete the following lines from it…that should help u get rid of date,time,no comments,tag,and edit from displaying under ur posts.

    Filed Under (<?php the_category(‘, ‘) ?>) by <?php the_author() ?> on <?php the_time(‘d-m-Y’) ?>

    <?php if ( function_exists(‘the_tags’)) the_tags(‘<h3 class=”tags”><span>Tagged Under : </span>’, ‘, ‘, ‘ </h3>’); ?>

    <?php comments_popup_link(‘No Comments’, ‘<span>(1)</span> Comment’, ‘<span>(%)</span> Comments’); ?>



    do the same thing in the mainindex template.php file,attachmenttemplate.php file,and in singlepost.php file.
    …i’ve done the same thing in my website..
    u can take a look @ it

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