• I’m trying to set up a PageOfPosts type template that will pull for two categories at a time. I’ve been searching and searching as to how query_vars is populated, but I haven’t found any documentation.

    What I’m doing is using $args to get the two categories. I’ve hard coded in the two that I want right now just to try and get this to work.

    ‘category__and’ => ’10, 17′,
    ‘orderby’ => ‘date’,

    Then I make the call for a new query (just taken from the normal PageOfPosts template)

    $temp = $wp_query;  // assign orginal query to temp variable for later use
      $wp_query = null;
      $wp_query = new WP_Query($args);

    So it seems like it should work, but when I print out the variables it will only take the first value in $args.

    This is the top line of print_r($args)

        [category__and] => 10, 17

    So $args is correctly populated with what I want.

    But when I call print_r($wp_query) I get this

    WP_Query Object(
        [query_vars] => Array(
                [category__and] => Array(
                        [0] => 10

    I’ve tried changing the way that $args is setup multiple times, but nothing seems to change, the $query_vars only pulls the first category.

    I’m just wondering if anyone can explain how this works so I can get the query_vars to hold the two categories and correctly filter for the posts I want.

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