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  • Great idea. that was very smart Koem

    Thanks Koem, great work around.

    I had a lot of widget feeds in some of the websites I manage so added

    – On Line 462 of wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-gallery.php directly under ($ytchag_maxitems = apply_filters( ‘ytchag_maxitems’, $instance[‘ytchag_maxitems’] );)

    -$ytchag_maxitems = $ytchag_maxitems + 1;

    This means you do not have to touch the widgets as it adds a video to replace the “device support” video that was removed

    Thanks koem!

    It works like a charm. Great hack.

    I have posted it on Stackoverflow you can give answer there as well.

    I think the fix proposed by Koem may be temporary.

    If you visit the URL that shows up in the first video we’re all seeing, it indicates that support for certain devices will no longer be available after April 2015.

    I believe this video is serving more as a warning to update the method used to pull videos before support for this method is officially gone.

    It would be nice to see an update to the plugin that has a fix to remain compatible with the latest update.

    Yes, this is just a workaround. We need alternatives, Google can and will shutdown API v2 without notice at any point in time.

    Thank for the temporary fix Koem… hopefully the original author will update his plugin soon.



    Worked like a charm Koem! Thanks! Hopefully the plugin owner will update soon for those who aren’t code savvy.

    Thank you Koem, that was smart !

    Proposed solutions are not a fix, since Youtube api v3.0 is deployed.

    I have managed to make it work for users, there is a new feed for api 3.0 and new namespaces in feed.
    However, i did not manage to query specific number of items (argument max-results won’t work), and the number is limited to 15 items.
    The fixes:

    the rss url:
    line 531:
    $youtube_feed_url = '';
    line 536:
    $ytchag_rss_url = $youtube_feed_url.'?user='. $ytchag_user;

    the xml parsing:

    line 614 – You collect the namaspaces, why not using ’em?
    line 622:
    $media = $entry->children($namespaces["media"] );
    line 628:
    $yt = $entry->children( $namespaces["yt"] );
    line 629:
    $youtubeid = $yt->videoId;

    At the last line the difference is in the caps of the property.

    That’s it, it shoud work. If anyone could query the number of items on line 536, that would solve the problem completely.

    EDIT: I guess the code for playlists and channels needs refreshing too, so maybe that’s the reason why the author didn’t post the update of the plugin.

    Hello PoseLab / author….

    Do we have any possible estimate on when you may resolve this issue permanently?

    Thank you

    Yeah PoseLab,

    first of all, thank you for this great plugin. But could you tell us if will it have an upgrade soon?

    Thank you!

    Woke up to this issue on a site that has 15+ million hits a month.

    It didn’t affect the widget use but it did affect the site everywhere we use the short code.

    Koem’s line 622 fix worked, and now I’m manually editing each instance of the short code to add one more video.

    And I before I hit this support page I went to:

    …and it says:

    “Certain older YouTube apps will no longer be supported after April 2015

    If you see this video in your YouTube app’s video feeds, your device is affected.

    As we upgrade the YouTube Data API to bring more features, we’ll begin shutting down the old version on April 20, 2015. This will result in the current YouTube app not working on certain device models from 2012 and older.”

    So it seems that this SUPERB plugin relies on an API that is no longer being supported by YouTube.

    WTF ever happened to backwards compatibility Google?

    PoseLab, please be a hero and update the plugin! ??

    Thank you,


    Here’s hoping Javier Gómez will be able to address the API change issues in this excellent plugin.

    As a contingency are there any alternatives?

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