I have installed the plugin and I had selected ‘use wordpress session’ to generate captcha image.
N.B: My thing has been hosted at Pantheon, so you can understand I can’t change any file/folder permission at test and live instances.
Though, I had chosen ‘use wordpress session’ to get the usual result properly at dev.
But, every time I try to validate the captcha, it says Invalid Captcha error!
I have been digging the code and found the session variable $_SESSION[‘wpdiscuzc’][$key] doesn’t get evaluated at utils/captcha/captcha.php.
$sCaptcha = isset($_SESSION[‘wpdiscuzc’][$cnonce]) ? $_SESSION[‘wpdiscuzc’][$cnonce] : false; at forms/wpdFormAttr/Field/DefaultField/Captcha.php should carry the value of $_SESSION[‘wpdiscuzc’][$key].
So while validating manual entry (i.e the captcha string we put at the comment form) with the session value, it return false i.e satisfying
if (!$sCaptcha || md5(strtolower($captcha)) !== $sCaptcha) {
$messageArray[‘code’] = ‘wc_invalid_captcha’;
end error appears.
So, is there any solution at your end?
N.B: I can debug print_r($_SESSION); at forms/wpdFormAttr/Field/DefaultField/Captcha.php but do receive nothing at utils/captcha/captcha.php!