• Plugin Author maksbd19


    This topic is to host ideas form people. If you want to suggest ideas, please don’t create your own topic. Its really hard to track ideas if they are hard to find in first place.

    Please post your ideas here and if you find your idea is already posted please be patient and just vote up using +1 with the idea number. If you have more explanation on the particular idea then write some note, but please don’t write something “I’d love if that is there” or something. As you know human eyes are supposed to slip through long texts and I’m sure you don’t want it with your favorite ideas.

    I’ve added a board in trello, please feel free to see what I’m planning on next and vote or comment about.

    I have taken many many many thing from the community. And I’m very happy that community have accepted my little afford to give something the community in return. I love you guys!


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  • Mike


    An idea is on the videos and photos fro. A profile can you add a option to set as a featured item by a admin only

    And then have it list as a category where we can remove them or something.

    I like this but I want to incorparate it as a method for me to display those featured items on a slider on my homepage I ha e a slider just need the items

    Hello – a helpful feature to me (though I’m not sure how many others would see the value) is allowing WP administrators the ability to add content to the galleries. Unless I’m missing something, it appears that only the member can upload content into the galleries.

    Thanks so much!

    I have one request that I think would be non-breaking and really helpful to me going forward. I’m binding to the ulimate_member_gallery_updated event in my custom theme, and need the ID of the gallery post in my method.

    is there any way that you’d be willing to change um-gallery.js, line 226 from:
    jQuery(‘body’).trigger(‘ulimate_member_gallery_updated’, [ value.id ]);

    on future releases? Basically – I’m using it to update the Label field in the DB and letting users enter brief descriptions about the content.

    thanks again!

    With Carl’s idea you could even add the entire value object to the trigger in case someone wanted to hook onto ‘ultimate_member_gallery_updated’ and use those values too

    Few ideas worth thinking about

    – Option to enable/disable video upload “i dont mind youtube embeds but i dont generally wont people uploading videos onto server”
    – Option to limit how many images can be added & sizes
    – Option to limit how many videos can be added
    – center images and videos under the tabs just looks nicer
    – Better documentation
    – check your typos lol

    but all in all a great plugin so far

    I’m working on a gallery where the users are all artists posting photos of their work. Other than being able to organize photos in containers of some sort (gallery-in-a-gallery) the thing I’m missing is the ability to post a caption (title) and brief commentary from the artist. This would make the plug-in almost perfect!





    Hi! I’m excited for the ability to:

    1. Define which user roles have access to a photos / videos on their profiles.
    2. Define which user roles can SEE other users photos / videos.
    3. Activate the photo / video tabs independently.
    4. Ability to remove the Facebook like and tweet links below the images as they look tacky on my setup.
    5. Only have the tabs display to visitors IF there is content within the tab.

    I had to deactivate the plugin until these features are there but it’s a great plugin and I think you’re close! (Happy to pay BTW to get it right!)

    Plugin Author maksbd19


    Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I’m working on the plugin for quite a long time. And since its a major update it would take some more time to complete. Next update will contain- 1. albums, 2. gallery item restriction, 3. comment and share, 4. gallery privacy, 5. activity feed

    Thanks for your support ??



    Hi maksbd19

    I’m with dancase, some kind of caption, or title is really necessary.

    I’d be happy to pay for that customisation if you are available. I’d rather not fork the plugin but I need that functionality in the next few weeks.

    Let me know if you are interested.


    Plugin Author maksbd19


    Hi nova,

    I’d be happy to help with your customization. Feel free to contact me at https://mak.bdmonkey.com/



    Hi Maksbd19

    I emailed you with the details of the customisation I needed via the form on your site but got no reply. Are you still available to do them?

    These are all great suggestions! In addition, it would be nice to have the ability for the users to have categories and folders they can label for their gallery.

    Thank you! ??

    I want to second (and third) a previous recommendation. If nothing else, please prioritize the ability to add captions to photos and videos. This is a must-have to make the plug-in useful.

    After that, work on albums!


    I’m looking to have the possibility to make a gallery on user profile photos. Ultimate Member does not have this capability.
    Say I have 30 members. I would like to have a carousel in the home page that make a gallery of the picture of the member.
    I have been searching the net with no luck.

    I am working with some very talented WordPress developers to solve many issues with Ultimate Member and Users Ultra. We are creating a theme and plugin that work together to allow many of the same features as Facebook and Twitter. We will be “playing” with my puzld.com domain soon to make features like you all described visible. I’ll let you all know when we get some added or join and see for yourself as they are being implemented ??

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