Getting Google Maps to Work
This is a continuation of the topic started at:
If you are unable to configure the Google Maps API settings, and/or you are pre-approved into the Google for Nonprofits program (which will give you free map credits), then you may wish to look over these instructions:
Since August 2018, Google requires that you pay for their Google Map services past the $300/mn credit ceiling.
If you set up a calendar in Events, and when you view it you get an error message (that you need to set up with Google first), try clicking the link provided.
? It will take you to:
? Click Get Started.
? There will be 3 boxes to select from. Either choose just the first, or check all 3.
? Click continue.
? Here it will ask for you to pick a project (either an existing one, or new one).
o It might be better to first “configure a project” by going here:
o Click Configure project.
o Then it has Select or create project. (You’ll be able to eventually generate an Google Map API Key. (However, it won’t work unless your billing has been set up first. If you are pre-approved in the Google for Nonprofits program, read on.)
? It will take you to a page to set up your billing. However, if you are signed-in under the email that is associated with the Google for Nonprofits program, then you may not get the billing set-up page. This is okay. Now you will need to call Google for Nonprofits tech support at: 866-246-6453 (ask for Support Team)
o Tell them that you are pre-approved in the Google for Nonprofits program. (You will need your customer ID number.)
o Ask them to get you approval into the Google Maps Platform program (for nonprofits).
o Then, ask them to help you through obtaining Google Maps Platform credits.
? Once these steps are done, the API key that you may have created earlier (see above) should work. (If you go to your Event map and see that the error message is still there, go back into the Location part of the Event and re-save the location and Post. And/or, go into Dashboard > Settings > permalinks and resave your permalink settings.You can read about Enrolling in Google Maps Platform Credit here:
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