• Salih K


    Hi, I am using Breeze with Cloudflare on a Google Cloud server. I am using all the basic settings of Breez with Minification and Combining of scripts and CSSs, everything works great and I am able get the result. But now I see an issue with loading minified assets(CSS/JS), every now and then I see this error: “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () breeze_7eff47af23b7e0967ad09bf152a23423.css” similar for Js, and the page is broken. If I check the cache folder for that file, yes that file not exists. This is not happening for all pages, it looks like randomly or something. I dont know exactly how and when these minified files are generated.

    If I Purge the Cache either from Breez or Cloudflare the issue will be fixed, So is there any settings or any adjustments I have to do when using with Cloudflare? Do you have any idea why this is happening. Is this related to “Purge Cache After” settings of Breeze and Cloudflare cache? Or any thing related to file permissions?

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  • Plugin Author adeelkhan


    While enable the option CSS Minify and JS Minify breeze create separate minified file for each CSS and JS file render from activated theme. Breeze clear its cache file while Update/Create post/page. At the same time new cache will generate while user visit the application site.

    The point you mentioned that in some cases cache file not access able and gave 404,quite possible it occur due to conflict with activated theme/plugin. Breeze does not contain any functionality related to that point. To verify please deactivate all plugins except Breeze and check the response same for activated theme.

    Thread Starter Salih K


    @adeelkhan thank you for your reply.

    As I told you, I am using Breeze and Cloudflare, I have already tested all the testing steps. I only have these two plugins active. So these are my doubts:

    If I Purge the Cache either from Breeze or Cloudflare the issue will be fixed, So is there any settings or any adjustments I have to do when using with Cloudflare? Is this related to “Purge Cache After” settings of Breeze and Cloudflare cache conflict? Or any thing related to file permissions?

    Another thing, Can I disable the Breeze caching and use all other features, When I disable caching I see the Minification/Combining features not working. am I missing any thing in this section or is it like this?

    Plugin Author adeelkhan


    Its strange behavior that you mentioned. If you disable Breeze caching, no setting of minification and optimization will reflect. As you mentioned it happened randomly and not all the pages.
    It needs to investigate please create ticket at our support Centre than share the findings related to the point of conflict.

    Plugin Author adeelkhan


    Is there any update?

    Thread Starter Salih K


    @adeelkhan I know it is late, but the issue still stays.

    The issue in short is after a particular time website crashing(with in 24hrs), in the console I can see the breeze minified css and js files are showing 404, and if I check the server, in uploads breeze folder, I dont see the files generated. I can share these details and access to the website. But as I said I am not using Cloudways, I am using Google Cloud Server, with Breeze and Cloudflare.

    Interesting this is, if I do a hard refresh of the broken page, from anywhere(even though I am not logged in) the missing CSS&JS files are getting generated and fixing the issue.

    Additionally, is there any conflict with Cloudflare APO(Automatic Platform Optimization).

    Do I need Cloudways account to get support? is there any other ways to get the support?

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Salih K.
    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Salih K.
    Plugin Author adeelkhan


    Hi its not too late.

    CF integration in Breeze w.r.t CW server as mentioned in Breeze changelog.

    “Smart Cache Purge Configuration for Cloudflare is now available for Flexible Platform for Cloudways users.”

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