• I’m trying to get my posts from my blog and have them published on my main home page.
    Basically, I only wanna show the 3 most recent posts on the home page, so I’m not sure how to get the data from the WP database and then display it on a non-wp page.

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  • If your home page is a PHP document, it’s pretty easy to accomplish:


    Thread Starter jamesk5


    Thanks, I looked at that but I’ve got 2 issues with that:

    1. I loose my current template design as soon as I put that code in, and turn WP_USE_THEMES’, from true to false
    2. “From there you can use all the standard WordPress functions and template tags. Just make sure the require has the correct path for wp-blog-header.php.” I don’t know what functions and tags to use?? Where can I read about these? Admin panel??? I looked through the wp-blog-header.php and it makes a tiny bit of sense to me.


    Moderator James Huff


    All you have to do is add the Loop to your pre-existing webpage.


    For more info, please do a search here for “integrate” or “the loop”.

    Thread Starter jamesk5


    Why would my template (in HTML) dissapear though?? I close off the <?php ?> tags.. so shouldnt the HTML still display??

    Make sure this occurs *before* you include wp-blog-header.php:

    define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);

    If that doesn’t work, try removing the line altogether.

    Moderator James Huff


    Thanks for pointing that out, Kafkaesqu?-. I’ve updated the Codex entry.

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