• I’m having this error when opening random pages/posts:

    Content Encoding Error

    The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    * Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    Also some of the website visitors reported the same issues, I did some tests with Chrome/Firefox (disabling/enabling the plugins) and now I’m sure it’s related to W3 Total Cache, I deleted the plugin and 2 remaining files I found with FileZilla (despite I clicked delete all), the website runs just fine.

    Is there any fix for this problem?

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  • I’m getting possibly the same issue.

    What I see is garbled letters, almost as if Chrome is trying to display gzipped content.

    Latest Chrome, IE and FF on Windows:
    Browser view

    Response headers:

    The Content-Encoding says gzip, but the decompressed content also appears to be gzipped (or just garbage?).

    It doesn’t happen on every page load. If I force a reload, the page seems to work most of the time.

    Disabling W3 Total Cache fixes this.

    Strangely curl from the command line doesn’t seem to reproduce this.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by nicjansma.

    Disable GZIP in your browser cache settings.

    That (disabling Compression/gzip in Browser Cache) seemed to work for me.

    However, I will note that I’ve been running with that setting enabled for several years without an issue. Nothing else on the server was changed, except WordPress/plugin updates recently.

    Thread Starter MyWPun


    Hello everyone,

    @nicjansma, this is exactly the error that the visitors of my website are reporting.

    @destac, thank you for the information, I’ll see if it works.

    Thread Starter MyWPun


    The problem seems to be fixed, thank you all.



    The problem is that disabling gzip compression makes performance worse. For example site with wp super cache installed when using gzip compression get 96/100 points in google insights speed test. When I disabled gzip compression the result is much worse: onlu 72/100 points. Anybody knows if there is any hint to use this compression but not have this error?

    Today my page get error again ! Disable Gzip can slove this problem !

    same here, it gives this error on the search result page and goes away with CTRL+F5.
    I cannot ask visitors to disable Gzip.

    Deactivating the pluging WP Super Cache solved the issue…

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