• Hi,

    It was working perfectly for a month, but recently it has started giving me an error saying that

    “Bitcoin Payment Gateway is NOT operational (try to re-enter and save settings): ERROR: Cannot determine exchange rates (for ‘USD’)! Make sure your PHP settings are configured properly and your server can (is allowed to) connect to external WEB services via PHP.”


    WARNING: Cannot determine exchange rates (for ‘USD’)! Make sure your PHP settings are configured properly and your server can (is allowed to) connect to external WEB services via PHP.

    Can you please help me fix this ASAP.

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  • Just so you know, Your not the only one. I am also experiencing the same error. I sent an email to the developer I hope he answers soon.

    I have noticed however in my Electrum wallet all the currency rates for GBP are ‘No Data’.

    When I switch to USD, I have and option to change under Preferences -> Fiat -> Source from BitcoinAverage to Winkdex, and the rates apply, so maybe there’s a problem with BitcoinAverage. I don’t know. But it’s really frustrating.

    Thanks for pointing this out.
    I am able to solve this by changing :
    on bwwc-utils.php

    I am having the same problem and see the same error message in the backend indicating the bitcoin payment plugin is nonoperational. I messaged the developer a couple days ago, but have not gotten a response.

    I have just sent another message to the developer asking about purchasing the pro version. I see the bitcoin address to send payment/donation to on the bitcoinway website, it’s just not clear how much the pro version cost.

    I’d like to try the fix posted by jylee, but I believe that must be in the advanced settings which are only available on the pro version.

    Hopefully I hear something soon — I’ll report back any relevant info.

    BTW, I also had the “No FX Rates Available” problem in Electrum, which I was able to fix. I was using Electrum 2.6.4, and the “Fiat” tab was nowhere to be found in the preferences — I downloaded the newest version (2.8.3) and was able to find the “Fiat” tab in Tools>Preferences. Set Fiat as USD and Source as BlockchainInfo — BitcoinAverage is now obsolete. Left “Show history rates” unticked.

    Where can if find this bwwc-utils.php. I only have an exe?
    I tested it and it works for me: https://apiv2.bitcoinaverage.com/indices/global/ticker/BTCGBP

    I just need to find out where the file is.

    I have good news though. I got an email back from the developer:

    “I will work on it this week to fix problems.
    It causes by BTC exchange API services changing their interfaces.”

    So hopefully it will be addressed, and I hope he goes ahead and updates it to WC 3.0.8 while he’s at it.

    Looking to assess this situation as well, i have payments being processed and confirmed yet i get the same error and the money is not appearing in my wallet and this concerns me as i want to be able to fulfill these orders without refunding them.. hopefully anandadivine mentioned the developer is able to fix things as well.

    I have disabled the plugin for the time being. It’s a pain because I have to process the orders manually, and the market moves quickly, so I have to constantly be changing BTC amounts. Another note, I’m still waiting on an update from the developer. I sent him an email and hopefully I’ll get a response by Monday..

    No no.. @maxd2020 @anandadivine
    Wordpress Directory > Wp-Content > Plugins > Bitcoin-Payments-for-woocommerce ( Bitcoinway Plugin Folder ) > bwwc-utils.php

    Woops , my bad about the post above, it should be :
    and not
    https://apiv2.bitcoinaverage.com/indices/global/ticker/BTCUSD Unless you are running a USD Store like mine

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by jylee1997123.

    Tive o mesmo problema e a altera??o proposta pelo @jylee1997123 resolveu plenamente, so mudei de BTCUSD para BTCBRL pois precisava em Real Brasileiro.

    Oh my gosh, I didn’t know it was that simple. I’m not super advanced at this sort of thing, but I’m definitely capable of accessing the site via FTP.

    I, too, can confirm that this fix works. Thank you, @jylee1997123!

    Tip for others: Line 763 in bwwc-utilis.php — this is the only instance where you will make the change. I saw two other instances where the https://api.bitcoinaverage.com address shows up and foolishly changed those, too. I refreshed my site and got the white screen of death (500 error) until I disabled the plugin via FTP.

    Quick question. I changed it from:



    I uploaded to the server, activated the plugin. Now it says the gateway is operational and it shows me the currency conversion for 1 Bitcoin to GBP.

    My question is. Have you received BTC ok. I mean is this the only change that needs to be made for the plugin to work? I can’t really test it right now. If anyone knows that everything is working find after this change please let me know.

    By the way thanks for the hack, it was a lifesaver.


    PS. Muito amor para com meus amigos brasileiros!

    I don’t know if the is the approriate place to ask this question. If not please instruct me.

    When you fill out a bitcoin order and submit. It says on the receiving email:

    “You must make a payment within 1 hour, or your order will be cancelled”

    How to automatically cancel a bitcoin order after one hour?

    @anandadivine No issues on my site. been receiving tons of payment. Zero Issues.
    Since you deactivated your plugin. Why not check if your xpub key is correct and also all other settings?

    Awesome news, thanks for the report. I have enabled the plugin on my website. I don’t get many bitcoins. Maybe one transaction a week. It would be amazing if it supported the new WC. The only reason I haven’t upgraded is because of this silly plugin.

    the order wont automatically cancel. For my case i need to cancel it manually. If you wanted a nice btc payment and you can afford to spend some money. You should try to look at cryptowoo. It is looking awesome. Saw some sites running it fine too but yeah why pay when you can get it free with bitcoinway ??

    Yep, it’s operational and back to normal after applying this fix.

    Orders don’t automatically cancel for me, either. Heck, I even have to manually “complete” orders as that doesn’t happen automatically, either. Maybe due to the WP soft cron? I’m on a managed WP and don’t have access to cPanel to create my own hard cron job so that may be the reason.

    Anyone know how to create cron jobs in managed WP without access to cPanel? Maybe I’ll have to contact my host to see if it’s even possible.

    I actually purchased CryptoWoo along with the HD wallet add-on for $34 and $29, respectively. Got it just to have a working solution that is regularly maintained, but now that I’ve fixed the free Bitcoin Payments for WC plugin, I sort of don’t have a use for it — the extra features don’t seem that useful to me. But whatever, it’s a small price to pay to know I have a legit, working solution for a year in case I ever have issues with this plugin in the future. It’s just that the setting up of WP to utilize CryptoWoo is another challenge — hard cron is necessary, as opposed to the default WP soft cron.

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