• Anyone know how to deal with this?

    PHP Notice: Undefined variable: useragent in /home/humortimes/public_html/wp-content/plugins/photoswipe-for-nextgen-gallery/ngg-photoswipe.php on line 31

    I’m also getting:
    We’re sorry, but your theme’s page template didn’t make a call to wp_footer(), which is required by NextGEN Gallery. Please add this call to your page templates.

    I’m pretty sure this error notice was injected by ngg-photoswipe, although it doesn’t say. However, the theme I’m using (Suffusion), uses get_footer();

    From what I’ve read, the wp_footer() template tag is part of the WordPress Hooks API, and is used primarily by Plugins, to inject scripts in the site HTML footer. So, if it’s used by plugins, why doesn’t NextGEN use it, instead of expecting the theme to?



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