• Resolved patsam


    Is there a way to getExcludedPosts for a specific user?

    e.g. getExcludedPosts($user_id)

    If not could you suggest a way to extend the relevant class so I could create my own function? e.g. getExcludedPostsByUser()

    I am using the latest version 2.0.11

    Thanks in advance.

    BTW I really appreciate your plugin it’s fantastic

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  • Plugin Author GM_Alex


    Use the following code to get the excluded post for the current user. If you need it for a specified user have a look here: https://github.com/GM-Alex/user-access-manager/blob/master/src/UserAccessManager/AccessHandler/AccessHandler.php#L502

    global $userAccessManager;
    Thread Starter patsam


    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for the feedback. This is what I have done to do what I need

    Some background to what I am trying to do:
    I simply want to create a list of all users and show or count which posts that each user can or cannot access.

    In the end I changed the AccessHandler.php source and created some new functions which allows me to provide a user as opposed to the default current user

    See code below, this works for me but for the next version it would be nice if the we could call getExcludedPosts() using a specified user and include arguments so we could exclude checking of IPaddress and maybe some other settings (can’t think of others at the moment)

    Thank you for all your work on this plugin and would be more than happy to contribute as needed

    Regards Pat (see my code below)

        public function checkUserAccess_tko($oCurrentUser,$allowedCapability = false)
            $currentUser = $oCurrentUser;
            if ($this->wordpress->isSuperAdmin($currentUser->ID) === true
                || $allowedCapability !== false && $currentUser->has_cap($allowedCapability) === true
            ) {
                return true;
            $roles = $this->getUserRole($currentUser);
            $rolesMap = array_flip($roles);
            $orderedRoles = [UserGroup::NONE_ROLE, 'subscriber', 'contributor', 'author', 'editor', 'administrator'];
            $orderedRolesMap = array_flip($orderedRoles);
            $userRoles = array_intersect_key($orderedRolesMap, $rolesMap);
            $rightsLevel = (count($userRoles) > 0) ? end($userRoles) : -1;
            $fullAccessRole = $this->config->getFullAccessRole();
            return (isset($orderedRolesMap[$fullAccessRole]) === true && $rightsLevel >= $orderedRolesMap[$fullAccessRole]
                || isset($rolesMap['administrator']) === true
        public function getExcludedPosts_tko($user)
             * Call this in TKO like this ,
             *    $excluded_posts = $userAccessManager->getAccessHandler()->getExcludedPosts_tko(get_user_by('ID',$user_id));
            if ($this->checkUserAccess('manage_user_groups')) {
                // if you have these capabilities then get out as you can access everything
                $this->excludedPosts = [];
            if ($this->checkUserAccess_tko($user,'manage_user_groups')) {
                // if you have these capabilities then get out as you can access everything
                $ret_excludedPosts = [];
            if ($ret_excludedPosts === null) {
                $excludedPosts = [];
                // get all user groups
                $userGroups = $this->getUserGroups();
                // get all groups that the current user belongs to
                $userUserGroups = $this->getUserGroupsForUser_tko( isset($user) ? $user : null);
                // place all posts assigned to each user group into excludedPosts array
                foreach ($userGroups as $userGroup) {
                    $excludedPosts += $userGroup->getFullPosts();
                // Subtract from the excludedPosts array, all posts that belong to groups that the current user belongs to
                foreach ($userUserGroups as $userGroup) {
                    $excludedPosts = array_diff_key($excludedPosts, $userGroup->getFullPosts());
                // if not in wp-admin (e.g. currently the front end) then
                $noneHiddenPostTypes = [];
                $postTypes = $this->objectHandler->getPostTypes();
                foreach ($postTypes as $postType) {
                    if ($this->config->hidePostType($postType) === false) {
                        $noneHiddenPostTypes[$postType] = $postType;
                foreach ($excludedPosts as $postId => $type) {
                    if (isset($noneHiddenPostTypes[$type]) === true) {
                $postIds = array_keys($excludedPosts);
                $ret_excludedPosts = array_combine($postIds, $postIds);
            return $ret_excludedPosts;
         * Returns the user groups for the user.
         * @return UserGroup[]
        public function getUserGroupsForUser_tko($user, $access='read' )
             * * TKO Change - was
             * *    Original had no args
            if ($this->checkUserAccess_tko($user,'manage_user_groups') === true ) {
                return $this->getUserGroups();
            if ($this->userGroupsForUser === null) {
                 * TKO Change - was
                 *   $currentUser = $this->wordpress->getCurrentUser();
                $currentUser = isset($user)? $user: $this->wordpress->getCurrentUser();
                $userGroupsForUser = $this->getUserGroupsForObject(
                $userGroups = $this->getUserGroups();
                 * This next one can catch you out becuase
                 *  - if the user is currently editing a document (e.g. $this->config->atAdminPanel() === true )
                 *  - and a certain group/s allows write access (e.g. $userGroup->getWriteAccess() === 'all' )
                 *  - then it will distort the excludedposts_tko result
                 *  NOTE THIS ONLY AFFECTS - getexcludedposts_tko
                $is_admin =  ( $this->config->atAdminPanel() === true );
                foreach ($userGroups as $userGroup) {
                    $_this_userGroup_is_notin_assigned_user_groups = ( isset($userGroupsForUser[$userGroup->getId()]) === false );
                    $but_read_access_is_allowed = ( $userGroup->getReadAccess() === 'all' );
                    $but_write_access_is_allowed = ( $userGroup->getWriteAccess() === 'all' );
                    $it_must = $_this_userGroup_is_notin_assigned_user_groups;
                    $_this_IP_is_allowed = ( $this->isIpInRange($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $userGroup->getIpRangeArray()) );
                    $condition_1_or = $_this_IP_is_allowed;
                    $condition_2_or = ( ! $is_admin && $but_read_access_is_allowed );
                    $condition_3 = ( $is_admin && $but_write_access_is_allowed );
                    if($access == 'read'){
                        $add_to_usergroup = $it_must && ( $but_read_access_is_allowed  );
                    } else {
                        $add_to_usergroup = $it_must && ( $but_write_access_is_allowed );
                    /*if (isset($userGroupsForUser[$userGroup->getId()]) === false
                        && ($this->isIpInRange($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $userGroup->getIpRangeArray())
                            || $this->config->atAdminPanel() === false && $userGroup->getReadAccess() === 'all'
                            || $this->config->atAdminPanel() === true && $userGroup->getWriteAccess() === 'all')
                    ) */
                        $userGroupsForUser[$userGroup->getId()] = $userGroup;
                $this->userGroupsForUser = $userGroupsForUser;
            return $this->userGroupsForUser;
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