• Resolved spkane


    The get_params_from_url parameter is awesome, except it adds an & to the end of the url. For example, instead of https://www.example.com/Onlineapp2/Login.aspx?siteid=03a20a26-7a86-44c2-9af0-cf0eb3e72a95&lo=lchirip we get https://www.example.com/Onlineapp2/Login.aspx?siteid=03a20a26-7a86-44c2-9af0-cf0eb3e72a95&lo=lchirip&

    A 3rd party vendor we’re using says the extra & messes up the logic on their end.

    Any reason that trailing & needs to be there? Any option to not have it show?

    Thanks for an awesome plugin.


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  • Plugin Author webvitaly


    Hello, spkane.

    I updated the iframe plugin and now last ampersand (&) should be removed if get_params_from_url parameter was used.
    Please update your copy of the iframe plugin via admin section and write me back if trailing ampersand is removed properly.

    P.S. Thank you very much for your donation.

    Thread Starter spkane


    iFrame version 2.9 worked perfectly. Trailing ampersand is gone. Thank you!

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