• richcon


    I made a simple change to get_pages that I think will benefit a lot of people.

    The get_pages() function allows you to exclude certain pages from the results, but it requires you to hard-code the page IDs you want to exclude. It’s far more useful to be able to exclude by slug. So I modified the function to do this.

    The new syntax is: exclude=<id or slug>. If it’s a number, it’s an ID. If it’s not a number, it’s a slug. So, to get the children of page $papa avoiding any whose slug is “hidden”, do:

    $pages = get_pages("parent=$papa&hierarchical=0&exclude=hidden")

    and it works like a charm. (Since the id-or-slug convention is used elsewhere too I figured it’d be good here too.)

    Here’s the code change:

    2071:	function &get_pages($args = '') {
    2114:		$exclusions = '';
    		if ( !empty($exclude) ) {
    			$expages = preg_split('/[\s,]+/',$exclude);
    			if ( count($expages) ) {
    				foreach ( $expages as $expage ) {
    ++++					$exfield = is_numeric($expage) ? 'ID' : 'post_name';
    					if (empty($exclusions))
    ----						$exclusions = $wpdb->prepare(' AND ( ID <> %d ', $expage);
    ++++						$exclusions = $wpdb->prepare(" AND ( $exfield <> %s ", $expage);
    ----						$exclusions .= $wpdb->prepare(' AND ID <> %d ', $expage);
    ++++						$exclusions .= $wpdb->prepare(" AND $exfield <> %s ", $expage);

    (I was making a template for a new web site, and in it there’s a dynamically generated drop-down menu of pages and their subpages. But some of a page’s children are actually page fragments I embed in the parent page with a custom template, like an editable sidebar. I needed to be able to exclude those page fragments without hard-coding their IDs.)

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  • Thread Starter richcon


    I should add that lists work as before… “exclude=hidden,7,21,unseen” will exclude posts ids 7 and 21, and posts with slugs “hidden” and “unseen”.

    It’d be great if this got put into the trunk!

    Why has this not been implemented in a WP releaes yet? This should definitely be in there.

    Because people wanting this type of special functionality often codes it themselves. ??

    It is this way with MANY things that are in WordPress but the WP team seem to include more and more though.. (and making WP a bloated software :/)

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