• Hello! It’s me again…

    I’m trying to customize the form of the table that is generated with the following code in SQL:

    CREATE TABLE pruebaese (
    MES varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Mes’,
    CLIENTE varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Clientes’,
    SUB-CLIENTE varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘Sub-Cliente’,
    CODIGO-RODI varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Codigo Rodi’,
    NOMBRE varchar(70) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Nombre del Candidato’,
    PROGRESO enum(‘1.- Recepcion de Informacion’,’2.- Contacto con el Candidato’,’3.- Agendada Entrevista/Visita Domiciliaria’,’4.- Realizada Entrevista/Visita Domiciliaria’,’5.- Referencias Laborales en Proceso’,’6.- Captura y Redaccion’,’7.- Entregado’,’-‘) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Progreso Especifico’,
    STATUS enum(‘En Proceso’,’Detenido’,’Cancelado’,’Terminado’,’-‘) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Status’,
    CONTACTO enum(‘Si’,’No’) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Contacto con el Candidato’,
    FECHA-CITA date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘Fecha de Cita Programada’,
    HORA-CITA time DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘Hora de Cita Programada’,
    REALIZO-VISITA enum(‘Si’,’No’,’N/A’) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Se Realizo Visita’,
    OBTUVIERON-REFERENCIAS enum(‘Si’,’No’,’N/A’) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Se Obtuvieron Referencias Laborales’,
    STATUS-ESPECIFICO text COMMENT ‘Status Especifico’,
    CONFIRMACION enum(‘Si’,’No’,’N/A’) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘Confirmacion de Entrega’,
    TIEMPO-CICLO enum(‘1 dia’,’2 dias’,’3 dias’,’4 dias’,’5 dias’,’6 dias’,’7 dias’,’8 dias’,’9 dias’,’10 dias’,’11 dias’,’12 dias’,’13 dias’,’14 dias’,’15 dias’) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘Tiempo de Ciclo’,
    DICTAMEN enum(‘1 dia’,’2 dias’,’3 dias’,’4 dias’,’5 dias’,’6 dias’,’7 dias’,’8 dias’,’9 dias’,’10 dias’,’11 dias’,’12 dias’,’13 dias’,’14 dias’,’15 dias’) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘Dictamen ESE’,
    LINK-ESE text COMMENT ‘Link ESE’,
    LINK-AD text COMMENT ‘Link Antidoping’,

    And this is the PHP code I use to customize the form:

    function custom_pruebaese_form ($elements_options, $shortcode_name, $table ){
    if ( ‘Prueba ESE Formulario’ === get_post()->post_title && ‘cdbt-entry’ === $shortcode_name && ‘pruebaese’ === $table ) {

    //Generar ARRAY con query
    global $cdbt;
    $values = [];
    $valuesMonths = [];
    $maxValue = [];
    $subClientes = [];

    //Asignamos valores para la lista de CLIENTES
    $result = $cdbt->get_data( ‘clientes’, [‘idClientes’,’Cliente’,’CodigoCliente’], [], [‘idClientes’=>’ASC’], ‘ARRAY_A’ );
    foreach ( $result as $_i => $_v ) {
    $values[] = $_v[‘Cliente’] .’:’. $_v[‘Cliente’];

    //Asignamos valores para la lista de MESES
    $result = $cdbt->get_data( ‘meses’, [‘idMes’,’Mes’], [], [‘idMes’=>’ASC’], ‘ARRAY_A’ );
    foreach ( $result as $_i => $_v ) {
    $valuesMonths[] = $_v[‘Mes’] .’:’. $_v[‘idMes’];

    //Asignamos valores para la lista de SUB-CLIENTES
    $result = $cdbt->get_data( ‘subclientes’, [‘idClientes’,’SubCliente’,’CodigoSubCliente’], [], [‘SubCliente’=>’ASC’], ‘ARRAY_A’ );
    foreach ( $result as $_i => $_v ) {
    $subClientes[] = $_v[‘SubCliente’] .’:’. $_v[‘SubCliente’];

    //Asignamos valores para el COIGO-RODI
    $result = $cdbt->get_data(‘pruebaese’, [‘ID’], [], [‘ID’ => ‘ASC’], ‘ARRAY_A’);
    foreach ( $result as $_i => $_v ) {
    $maxValue[] = $_v[‘ID’];

    echo max($maxValue);

    foreach ( $elements_options as $_i => $_option ) {
    //Editar campo MES
    if ( ‘MES’ === $_option[‘elementName’] ) {
    $elements_options[$_i][‘elementLabel’] = __(‘Mes’);
    $elements_options[$_i][‘elementType’] = ‘select’;
    $elements_options[$_i][‘selectableList’] = implode( ‘,’, $valuesMonths );
    $_new_elements_options[0] = $elements_options[$_i];

    //Editar campo CLIENTES
    if ( ‘CLIENTE’ === $_option[‘elementName’] ) {
    $elements_options[$_i][‘elementLabel’] = __(‘Cliente’);
    $elements_options[$_i][‘elementType’] = ‘select’;
    $elements_options[$_i][‘selectableList’] = implode( ‘,’, $values);
    echo $_option[‘placeholder’];
    $_new_elements_options[0] = $elements_options[$_i];

    //Editar campo SUB-CLIENTE
    if ( ‘SUB-CLIENTE’ === $_option[‘elementName’] ) {
    $elements_options[$_i][‘elementLabel’] = __(‘Seleccion un Sub-Cliente’);
    $elements_options[$_i][‘elementType’] = ‘select’;
    $elements_options[$_i][‘selectableList’] = implode( ‘,’, $subClientes);
    $_new_elements_options[0] = $elements_options[$_i];


    return $elements_options;

    add_filter( ‘cdbt_shortcode_custom_forms’, ‘custom_pruebaese_form’, 10, 3 );

    Customize the form did not cost much, but now I want to make a function that makes a query depending on the value selected in the “CLIENTE” field, ie:

    Having value is selected from the drop-down list generated before this value is recorded in the database … ie:

    When the user selects a value from the list, this value can be obtained in PHP to generate another field value…

    In other words, I want to have a function getCurrentValue() or getSelectedITem(), some of these, for the field “CLIENTE”

    I may have the selected value from the list and PHP can manipulate not know if I explain very well, so I leave this in several ways, beforehand thanks for the help


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  • Plugin Author ka2


    I think that’s a very hard thing to do.

    Firstly, please allow me to check that my understanding is correct or not.

    In summary, do you want to change any entry fields dynamically depending on a value that is choose at the “CLIENTE” field?

    If so, I have a good idea.

    Firstly, it post once value of “CLIENTE” field by using on change event of JavaScript to self page. The sample JavaScript code is below:

    function my_coustom_footer_scripts(){
    $('#entry-data-CLIENTE').on('changed.fu.selectlist', function () {
      var html;
      html += '<form method="get" action="'+ window.location.href +'" id="regenerate" style="display: none">';
      html += '<input type="hidden" name="choose_cliente" value="'+$(this).selectlist('selectedItem').value+'">';
      html += '</form>';
    add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', 'my_coustom_footer_scripts');

    Then, you should insert code to get the “CLIENTE” value to your filter hook of “custom_pruebaese_form”. The sample filter hook code is below:

    function custom_pruebaese_form ($elements_options, $shortcode_name, $table ){
    if ( 'Prueba ESE Formulario' === get_post()->post_title && 'cdbt-entry' === $shortcode_name && 'pruebaese' === $table ) {
      $current_cliente_value = isset( $_GET['choose_cliente'] ) && ! empty( $_GET['choose_cliente'] ) ? $_GET['choose_cliente'] : null;
    add_filter( 'cdbt_shortcode_custom_forms', 'custom_pruebaese_form', 10, 3 );

    How is my proposal?
    I hope I can be of assistance.

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter ilichh1


    Hello! Thank you for answering, i will try with your samples, i will notice you everything i can achieve with your help. ??

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