Get the correct post and cat ID outside the loop
hi folks,
big problem i can’t solve alone anymore. i’m using wordpress as a cms on a language school site. to determine which sub-navigation points have to be dieplayed on the left side, i need to get the correct post and category ids outside the loop.
the site is
in the sidebar on the left side you see the articles for the active category. the topnav links are categories. on those category pages i display just pages with the plugin category pages.
now if you go to below you see the correct post and cat ids.
if you go to the wrong category and post id is outputed, thus also the wrong subnav is generated. cat 7 belongs to (category), post 229 is more information about regensburg.
i can set the post 229 to draft. result: in the category above there’s another post and cat id displayed. but again the wrong one.
the code i use for the fetching and display of cat and post ids is:
global $post; foreach((get_the_category()) as $category)$postcat= $category->cat_ID; echo "post ".$wp_query->post->ID. " cat ".$postcat; if($postcat) { $tmp_post = $post; $postlist=array(); $get_posts_args="numberposts=-1&category=".$postcat; $myposts = get_posts($get_posts_args); foreach($myposts as $post) { setup_postdata($post); $array_key=(int)get_the_ID(); $postlist[$array_key]['permalink']=get_permalink(); $postlist[$array_key]['title']=get_the_title(); if(get_permalink()==($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))$class="class=\"act\""; $output.="<li><a href=\"".get_permalink()."\" ".$class.">".get_the_title()."</a></li>"; unset ($class); } if(get_post_meta($post->ID,"reihenfolge","single")) { $reihenfolge=explode(",",get_post_meta($post->ID,"reihenfolge","single")); foreach ($reihenfolge as $nummer) { if(str_ireplace("https://","",$postlist[$nummer]['permalink'])==($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))$class="class=\"act\""; $output_sorted.="<li><a href=\"".$postlist[$nummer]['permalink']."\" ".$class.">".$postlist[$nummer]['title']."</a></li>"; unset ($class); } } } $post = $tmp_post; if (!$output_sorted)echo "<ul>".$output."</ul>"; else echo "<ul>".$output_sorted."</ul>";
i just can’T find the error…
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