Get rid of TrackBack spam
Hi there,
(Like many many many many others) I’ve been hit by trackback spam today for the first time.
Around 60 messages leading to different addresses. Funny enough, they are all redirecting to Google. They all have in common the same domain in Russia.
Anyway, I’m looking for a way to get rid of it, like many others… Trackback spam is a pain, … so far.
I use the inelegant solution mentionned here earlier today.
But to make it work, you need to change the quotes. I posted the command that contains the correct quotes that can’t be posted here due to some editing reasons (backticks cannot be shown).In fact I posted the full procedure to :
- Turn off trackback on old posts
- Turn off trackback on future posts
- Delete unwanted trackback
You can find it here in english, et ici en fran?§ais.
Note : I’d like to mention that posting code this was made possible by a plugin (WP Unformatted) that allows me to remove curly quotes on a post per post basis. Credits goes to Alex King.
I could be happy with my workaround, but It’s just a trivial workaround, therefore I’m not satisfied at all. Why should I stop using trackback because of (so far) one spammer ?
I’ve seen other solutions, like the WordPress Spam Stopper. But this involves the replacement of files that are already heavily modified … to prevent comment spam.I know Christmas is over, but hell, here is my wish list : I’m still looking for a PURE plugin solution. Something that will allow us total control over trackbacks and the possibility to delete them pretty much the same way than for the comments. If any smart programmer here could release such tool that would be great. A simple TrackBack moderation plugin would be enough.
It would be even better if it could be integrated in the next major release of WP…Cheers, and happy new year ??
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