• I suppose it’s understandable, to say the very least, that WP developers look to wordpress.com for cues. But that absurdly introduced admin bar is not an option, no: it’s by default hung out on the outside for logged in admin users – oh by the way, I can’t easily find where to shut it down: strike two – and it’s styled in a way that perhaps pleases the developers, but it’s in my face and therefor likely to irritate me.

    Which it does. Obviously.

    Search? Again a search form? What, afraid that people can’t find the search form that practically every theme already has? Or is it such a vital feature that even those who chose not to have it must stare at its ugly mug nonetheless?

    Also, I totally do not care for presumptively snazzy but totally insignificant (non-quantified) aggregate “statistics” graphics on the outside, and several of the functions chosen by the developers to put it in that admin bar are ridiculously arbitrary. So there’s one-click access to menu management from the front-end, but no one-click access to spam comments? Pulleez.

    It’s an abomination, and it must go.

    And “innovations” should, more than anything, be optional – not switched in and on by default.

    Sorry guys, this is a seriously bad case of a nice try without asking.

    I have no idea what else 3.1 does compared to 3.0.5 (forgive me but I don’t have time to plow through the release note, what with that irritating “Upgrade now!” message that I can’t switch off either) but all that baggage has not been worth the immense hassle of checking on compatible plugins. And of course, finding some that force a back-gration to 3.0.5 again. At least I won’t have to look at my site looking like it wants to be wordpress.com anymore.

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  • Clayton James


    1) It can be disabled easily per user profile.

    2) So get rid of it globally. It’s 60 seconds worth of effort.


    Thread Starter Alvaro Degives-Mas


    That’s 60 seconds I prefer to spend elsewhere.

    And you’re kidding, right? A “feature” that requires a plugin to get rid of it? What kind of “solution” is that?

    It’s a ridiculous, unnecessary and brainless addition, and for those who perhaps see some purpose in it, it shouldn’t have been switched on by default.

    I’ve gone through many iterations of WP, with some innovations more useful than others since the 1.5.x series; this one beats ’em all in perfectly useless irritability.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Thank you for your opinion. We disagree.

    And this is a support forum, not a place for you to vent. You have a blog for that.



    For heaven’s sake, Nv1962, you should feel grateful that you live in an era where people spend so much time brining you a software that allows you to whine over details that are esily adaptable anyway.

    Go to Users > Your username > Scroll down.

    Thread Starter Alvaro Degives-Mas


    (edited afterward: I’m referring to Otto, just to clarify…) I’m glad you thought better of closing this topic: look at the front page of the Forums, under the Requests and Feedback you’ll see “– Feature requests; criticism.”

    And that’s what this is.


    Which arguably is unpleasant for those who spent a lot of otherwise appreciated time on developing WP, but that’s how the cookie crumbles. Not all creations are as felicitous as they are laborious to implement.

    Clayton James


    That’s 60 seconds I prefer to spend elsewhere.

    Yeah… Well, we are all entitled to our opinions, no matter how they are perceived, and I will respect yours as well.

    This addition has been publicized for some time now, as well as the solutions for turning it off. So your choices are:

    1) do nothing and keep complaining about it,

    2) take 60 seconds and turn it off globally using a plugin and forget about it,

    3) apply the filter directly to your themes functions.php file to avoid a plugin.



    Hey, therere’s a 4th option, in the Users menu too, don’t forget it, it’s the simplest and fastest way for the typical mono-user.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Okay, let’s not bash nv1962 – His opinion is his and he is as entitled to it as I am for wanting to force the bar ON all the time.

    FYI, if you like the bar but not the search?

    Thread Starter Alvaro Degives-Mas


    Awesome. Criticism of criticism. This must be the internet.

    But a plugin to defeat a feature, instead of switch and making it thus optional? Doesn’t sound logical to me.

    Then again, this is the internet.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    nv1962: There IS an option, as has been pointed out many times.

    Go to Users->Your Profile. Look at the screen for the checkbox.

    Clayton James


    Awesome. Criticism of criticism. This must be the internet.

    If you can only give it but can’t receive it, perhaps you don’t belong here (on the internet).

    Not all creations are as felicitous as they are laborious to implement.

    Yup. I would have to completely agree with you. Except that I think you are intentionally exacerbating the issue for personal satisfaction at this point. “Laborious” at his juncture, has completely lost it’s context. It’s not “laborious” at all in fact, and I perceive you as simply being argumentative at this point. But that doesn’t lessen my respect for your opinion, mind you.

    And if you review, you will find that you don’t “need” a plugin to turn it off.

    Thread Starter Alvaro Degives-Mas


    Otto, the problem is that it’s switched on by default. How is it more logical to have it switched off in the dashboard but not when viewing the site? If not having it on in the dashboard (and by the way, I agree that that’s a good default) then it shouldn’t have been on on the outside either.

    I suppose I understand the rationale behind that, though: it’s a simple way to “advertise” the new feature, and then people can always opt to switch it off. It’s just that this addition is very much “in your face” and although it’s great that one developer saw fit to release a plugin to switch it off – one per site, sadly not really globally – is not a “friendly” approach.

    That’s all… I don’t think there’s much point in rehashing this; I just see it as a nuisance, and I readily accept many will think it’s neat. Again, this is the internet.

    Edited to add: and that includes my not further engaging back-and-forths on the merit of my criticism here by itself, ClaytonJames. You have your obviously respectable opinion; I don’t think we’ll reach an agreement here just by denying or repeating what’s already been said.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    That was discussed, ad naseum, months and months ago. Last summer, actually.

    It was determined that more people would USE it if they turned it on by default, among other things. This was announced back in .. October I think? I know the first ‘How to turn if off’ plugin showed up in November last year. It was announced all over the place.

    There’s a break point at which you simply can’t get to everyone, you accept whom you’ve gotten to, and you move on. So duly noted, but it’s not going away at this point.

    Thread Starter Alvaro Degives-Mas


    (OK, just having a bit of lighthearted fun here…)

    That was discussed, ad naseum, months and months ago.

    So the dark side won, huh…

    (ducks and runs)

    Thread Starter Alvaro Degives-Mas


    Just to close this one down: after looking into Ozh’ plugin (Ozh, you really rock) I realized that the whole admin bar is in fact switchable with a single, simple line for a filter, which if included in the theme’s function.php file will kill the admin bar full stop, no plugin necessary.

    Just add the following line, somewhere into the functions.php file of your theme(s):

    add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false' );

    And gone it is.

    And yes, this is exactly what Ozh’ plugin does too, except this method is a hack of the theme to make sure it’s permanently gone, regardless of whether your plugins are activated or not.

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