Expound supports two menus: the normal navigation menu and a social media menu, which you can use to link to your social media sites. To use the social media menu, first go to Dashboard > Appearance > Menus, and create a new menu like normal. Name your new menu “Social Media”.
Next, select “Links” from the leftmost accordion (the same place you’ll find “Pages” and “Categories”. For the URL, enter your social media URL, and for Link Text, enter the name of the social media network, then select “Add to Menu”. After you’ve entered all of your social media networks this way, save your menu like normal.
Finally, go to the “Manage Locations” tab and assign your newly-created menu to the “Social Menu” location. When you visit your site, you’ll see icons corresponding to each of the social media networks you’ve entered, in the same place where you previously saw the row of stars.