In case anyone ever comes across this problem, I found the function in taxonomy.php.
I was selecting specific categories from the database then looping through them. $term->term_id is the ID of the current category in the loop.
// Select all the posts in that category
$posts = get_posts(array('category' => $term->term_id));
$post_ids = array();
// iterate through the array returned by get_posts, and add the ids to its own array
foreach($posts AS $post) {
$post_ids[] = $post->ID;
// pass the array of post ids to wp_get_object_terms, from taxonomy.php. Also specify that it should return post_tags.
$tags = wp_get_object_terms($ids, 'post_tag');
$tags_names = array();
// iterate through the tags returned by wp_get_object_terms
// there are other fields available, I just only needed the name
foreach($tags AS $tag) {
$tag_names[] = $tag->name;
// create a comma delimited list of tag names
$tags = implode(', ', $tag_names);