• Hi, i’m making a plugin for word press, i wrote my functions in separate file that i’m planing to include back to main plugin file.

    Problem is:
    i want my plugin to recognize whenever something like [FolderPath=/spme/path/here/] is writen inside any post.
    and when the plugin recognize [FolderPath=… i want it to get that “/spme/path/here/” path in to a string,
    later on i want to pass that string to my main function, and i want the result of that function to be shown instead of [FolderPath=/spme/path/here/] sequence inside of any post.

    If someone can help me i would pay for help, just send me your PayPal e-mail where i can send you $$$ ??

    p.s. also if it is possible i would want to be able to have more parameters between [FolderPath= and ], and i wish i can pass them all to main function….

  • The topic ‘get “/path/path/path/” from [Path=/path/path/path/] writen in post’ is closed to new replies.