• Patrick_Wolf


    Hello i’m trying to get information from another plugin in the shortcode loop of mini loops.

    I made this line:

    echo do_shortcode(" [miniloop number_posts=10 post_status=published current_category=1]
    <li>[ml_title][ml_image from=thumb width=200 height=150][ml_vanaf]</li>

    and in helpers.php i added:

    add_shortcode( 'ml_vanaf', 'miniloop_vanafPrijs');
    function miniloop_vanafPrijs() {

    But the output from ml_vanaf is not inserted in the
    but created outside the
    Anyone out here who can help?

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  • ebartan


    doesnt run custum filed code

    Plugin Author Kailey (trepmal)


    @patrick_wolf: The shortcode function should return data, not echo it.
    I don’t know where meta() comes from, but you may need to either simply return that:
    return meta('vanafPrijs'); or find/create an alternate function that will return, perhaps return get_meta('vanafPrijs');

    @ebartan: You’re going to need to be a bit more specific.

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