• I’m trying to get the page header to not display on my subpages. I go to Header/Slider Options->Header ON/OFF Settings and set the header ON for the home page and OFF for every other type of page. The problem is that my header continues to appear on every page.

    Here’s the weird part that makes me suspect a bug: I display the subpage that has my header incorrectly displayed and click on “Customize” in my WordPress administrative menu and I’m thrown into customizing the page with the page displayed correctly; namely, without the header.

    How do I get the free Alexandria theme (up-to-date) to do what I tell it?


    P.S. Bought the Pro theme and can’t figure it out. I will most likely get a refund.


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  • I have the same issue on my website

    Did anyone come up with an answer to this? This is three people who need this fixed. ??

    I kind of fixed it, but to do this properly you will need to make a child theme.

    In Editor, open header.php and remove these lines from the end (there are only four lines of code after this) –

    if( ( (is_page() && !is_front_page() ) || is_404() ) && ( !of_get_option(‘show_alexandria_slider_page’) || of_get_option(‘show_alexandria_slider_page’) == ‘true’ ) ) {
    get_template_part( ‘slider’ );

    if( ( is_single() ) && ( !of_get_option(‘show_alexandria_slider_single’) || of_get_option(‘show_alexandria_slider_single’) == ‘true’ ) ) {
    get_template_part( ‘slider’ );

    if( ( is_archive() || (is_home() && !is_front_page()) ) && ( !of_get_option(‘show_alexandria_slider_archive’) || of_get_option(‘show_alexandria_slider_archive’) == ‘true’ ) ) {
    get_template_part( ‘slider’ );

    You will now only get the slider on the home page and not other pages.
    Worked for me. Hope this helps.

    I’m having the same problem. Maybe tskk can help us out.

    I need the Header/Slider visible on the frontpage and all posts but not on pages. I’ve checked the correct options in the setting, but the Header/Slider is still visible sitewide.

    Please advise.

    My URL: https://www.BlogSetupTips.com

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