get get answer of question
how can get get answer of question from telgeram bot i.e
how old are you?
and get answer and save in db.
You can do that by creating another plugin with dynamic replies: example: if (missing_age) { send(whats_your_age) set_user_state = 'waiting_age' }
An extra (and simple) way is to require an input like:
/setmyage Marco Milesi
so that you check if $text starts with /setmyage, remove /setmyage from $text and save $text in post_meta
The plugin uses custom post types, so you can save user data with:
update_post_meta( $telegram_id, 'telegram_custom_field', $content );
thank a lot
my problem is when my bot say to user “what is your age” wait to get box answer from user and save in db?maybe i don’t understand your answer.
How to set up dynamic replies?
The best way to integrate and add functions is to create another plugin. For example, create a file called telegram-bot-custom.php and upload it to wp-content/plugins, then activate it. Write the file as follows:<?php /* Plugin Name: Telegram Bot & Channel (Custom) Description: My Custom Telegram Plugin Author: My name Version: 1 */ add_action('telegram_parse','telegramcustom_parse', 10, 2); function telegramcustom_parse( $telegram_user_id, $text ) { $plugin_post_id = telegram_getid( $telegram_user_id ); if ( !$plugin_post_id ) { return; } if ( get_post_meta( $plugin_post_id, 'telegram_custom_state' ) && get_post_meta( $plugin_post_id, 'telegram_custom_state' ) == 'age_wait' ) { if ( is_numeric( $text) && $text < 100 ) { //Do you want 101-years old people? $age = sanitize_text_field( $text ); update_post_meta( $plugin_post_id, 'telegram_custom_age', $age ) delete_post_meta( $plugin_post_id, 'telegram_custom_state' ); //Or set "telegram_custom_state" to something else } else { telegram_sendmessage( $telegram_user_id, 'Wrong input. What is your age?'); } } if ( !get_post_meta( $plugin_post_id, 'telegram_custom_age' ) { telegram_sendmessage( $telegram_user_id, 'What is your age?'); update_post_meta( $plugin_post_id, 'telegram_custom_state', 'age_wait' ); //die(); //You can uncomment this if you don't want to parse other commands } return; } ?>
i test it but got a loop
just loop ask what is your age?
and not go to this condition
if ( get_post_meta( $plugin_post_id, ‘telegram_custom_state’ ) && get_post_meta( $plugin_post_id, ‘telegram_custom_state’ ) == ‘age_wait’ ) {i downt why?
i create telegram_custom_age field maybe not save in field?
thank for help.:)Sorry, there were some errors in the code.
Here is the enhanced –TESTED– version:
<?php /* Plugin Name: Telegram Bot & Channel (Custom) Description: My Custom Telegram Plugin Author: My name Version: 1 */ add_action('telegram_parse','telegramcustom_parse', 10, 2); function telegramcustom_parse( $telegram_user_id, $text ) { $plugin_post_id = telegram_getid( $telegram_user_id ); if ( !$plugin_post_id ) { return; } if ( get_post_meta( $plugin_post_id, 'telegram_custom_state', true ) == 'age_wait' ) { if ( is_numeric( $text) && $text < 100 ) { //Do you want 101-years old people? $age = sanitize_text_field( $text ); update_post_meta( $plugin_post_id, 'telegram_custom_age', $age ); delete_post_meta( $plugin_post_id, 'telegram_custom_state' ); //Or set "telegram_custom_state" to something else die(); //You can comment this if you want to parse other commands } else { telegram_sendmessage( $telegram_user_id, 'Wrong input. What is your age?'); die(); //You can comment this if you want to parse other commands } } else if ( !get_post_meta( $plugin_post_id, 'telegram_custom_age' ) ) { telegram_sendmessage( $telegram_user_id, 'What is your age?'); update_post_meta( $plugin_post_id, 'telegram_custom_state', 'age_wait' ); die(); //You can comment this if you want to parse other commands } return; } ?>
Also, i introduced a more complete “Debug Mode” in v1.5.3 that may help you. Check the faqs`
thank a ocean ,work like a charm ?? ?? ??
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